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Augusta, Lady Gregory
出生Isabella Augusta Persse
儿女威廉·罗伯特·格雷戈里(William Robert Gregory)

格雷戈里夫人伊莎贝拉·奥古斯塔(Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory;1852年3月15日—1932年5月22日)[1],原姓珀斯(Persse),是一名剧作家、民俗学家和剧院经理。她与叶芝爱德华·马丁一起创办了爱尔兰文学剧院阿比剧院,并为两所剧院创作了大量的剧本。此外,她也以爱尔兰神话为本写了不少小说。她是爱尔兰文学复兴中的重要人物,该运动中的许多人物都曾到她家聚会。



她出生于爱尔兰戈尔韦郡罗克斯伯勒(Roxborough)的乡绅家庭,母亲弗兰西斯·巴里和是第一代吉勒莫尔子爵斯坦迪什·奥格拉迪(Standish O'Grady, 1st Viscount Guillamore)的亲戚,母亲家就在罗克斯伯勒有大量地产,但很大一部分在爱尔兰内战期间焚毁[2]。伊莎贝拉在家里接受教育,受家其保姆玛丽·谢立丹(Mary Sheridan)影响很大。[3]

1880年3月4日,她和比她大35岁的鳏夫威廉·亨利·格雷戈里爵士在都柏林的圣马提亚教堂(St Matthias' Church)结婚[4]。格雷戈里当时刚刚卸任英属锡兰总督,但也是一位很有文学修养的绅士。格雷戈里在伦敦有一所房子,夫妇二人大部分时间都在那里度过,每周举办沙龙,遍邀文艺界名人。罗伯特·勃朗宁丁尼生约翰·艾佛雷特·米莱亨利·詹姆斯都曾是她家的座上宾。1881年,格雷戈里夫人诞下一子罗伯特。罗伯特在第一次世界大战期间当上飞行员,最终战死。叶芝后来据此事写成《预见自己死亡的爱尔兰飞行员》(An Irish Airman Foresees His Death)。[5][6]


  1. ^ Augusta, Lady Gregory. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2018-03-08 [2018-03-13]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-14). 
  2. ^ Foster 2003,第484页.
  3. ^ Shrank & Demastes 1997,第108页.
  4. ^ Coxhead 1961,第22页.
  5. ^ "Representing the Great War: Texts and Contexts"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 8th edition, accessed 5 October 2007.
  6. ^ Kermode 1957,第31页.


  • Coxhead, Elizabeth, Lady Gregory: a literary portrait, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961 
  • DiBattista, Maria; McDiarmid, Lucy, High and Low Moderns: Literature and Culture, 1889–1939, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996 
  • Dick, Susan; Ellmann, Richard; Kiberd, Declan, Essays for Richard Ellmann: Omnium Gatherum, The Yearbook of English Studies, 22 Medieval Narrative Special Number (McGill-Queen's Press), 1992,, 22 Medieval Narrative Special Number 
  • Ellis, Samantha, The Playboy of the Western World, Dublin, 1907, The Guardian, 2003-04-16 [2020-02-17], (原始内容存档于2008-02-09) 
  • Emerson Rogers, Howard, Irish Myth and the Plot of Ulysses, ELH, December 1948, 15 (4): 306–327 
  • Foster, R. F, W. B. Yeats: A Life, Vol. II: The Arch-Poet 1915–1939, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-19-818465-4 
  • Frazier, Adrian, The double life of a lady, The Irish Times, 2002-03-23 
  • Garrigan Mattar, Sinéad, Primitivism, Science, and the Irish Revival, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-926895-9 
  • Genet, Jacqueline, The Big House in Ireland: Reality and Representation, Barnes & Noble, 1991 
  • Goldsmith, Oliver, The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, London: John Murray, 1854, OCLC 2180329 
  • Gonzalez, Alexander G, Modern Irish Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook, Greenwood Press, 1997 
  • Gordon, Donald James, W. B. Yeats: images of a poet: my permanent or impermanent images, Manchester University Press ND, 1970 
  • Graham, Rigby. "Letter from Dublin", American Notes & Queries, Vol. 10, 1972 
  • Gregory, Augusta, Seventy years: being the autobiography of Lady Gregory, Macmillan, 1976 
  • Hennessy, Caroline, Lady Gregory: An Irish Life by Judith Hill, Raidió Teilifís Éireann, 2005-12-30 [2020-02-17], (原始内容存档于2009-04-06) 
  • Holmes, John, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Late Victorian Sonnet Sequence, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005 
  • Igoe, Vivien, A Literary Guide to Dublin, Methuen, 1994, ISBN 0-413-69120-9 
  • Kavanagh, Peter, The Story of the Abbey Theatre: From Its Origins in 1899 to the Present, New York: Devin-Adair, 1950 
  • Kermode, Frank, Romantic Image, New York: Vintage Books, 1957 
  • Kirkpatrick, Kathryn, Border Crossings: Irish Women Writers and National Identities, Tuscaloosa: University Of Alabama Press, 2000 
  • Komesu, Okifumi; Sekine, Masuru, Irish Writers and Politics, Rowman & Littlefield, 1990, ISBN 0-389-20926-0 
  • Love, Damian, Sailing to Ithaca: Remaking Yeats in Ulysses, The Cambridge Quarterly, 2007, 36 (1): 1–10 
  • McCormack, William, The Blackwell Companion to Modern Irish Culture, Oxford: Blackwell, 1999 
  • Murray, Christopher, Introduction to the abbeyonehundred Special Lecture Series (PDF), www.abbeytheatre.ie, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-03-07) 
  • Owens, Cóilín; Radner, Joan Newlon, Irish Drama, 1900–1980, CUA Press, 1990 
  • Pethica, James, Lady Gregory's Diaries 1892–1902, Colin Smythe, 1995, ISBN 0-86140-306-1 
  • Pethica, James L., Gregory, (Isabella) Augusta, Lady Gregory (1852–1932), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press), 2004 [2020-02-17], (原始内容存档于2019-09-11) 
  • Ryan, Philip B, The Lost Theatres of Dublin, The Badger Press, 1998, ISBN 0-9526076-1-1 
  • Shrank, Bernice; Demastes, William, Irish playwrights, 1880–1995, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997 
  • Tuohy, Frank, Yeats, London: Herbert, 1991 
  • Yeats, William Butler, Writings on Irish Folklore, Legend and Myth, Penguin Classics, 2002 [1993], ISBN 0-14-018001-X 
  • Yeats, William Butler, Kelly, John; Schuchard, Richard , 编, The collected letters of W. B. Yeats, Oxford University Press, 2005 
  • Brief History of Coole Park, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, [2013-04-06], (原始内容存档于2013-04-15) 
  • Representing the Great War: Texts and Contexts 8th, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, [2020-02-17], (原始内容存档于2019-05-15) 



