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  • 雅克·安德列(Jacques André),69岁,二战法国战斗机飞行员,奥运选手。[4]
  • Jenő Barcsay,88岁,匈牙利画家。
  • 丽莎·玛丽·基梅尔(Lisa Marie Kimmell),美国谋杀案受害者。[5]
  • Pushpaben Mehta,83岁,印度社会工作者和政治家。[6]
  • 安东尼·佩利西耶(Anthony Pelissier),75岁,英国演员、编剧和导演(《私事》、《波利先生的历史》)。[7]
  • 米尔顿·卡尼夫,81岁,美国漫画家(《特里与海盗》、《史蒂夫峡谷》),肺癌。[8]
  • 李曼峯(Lee Man Fong),74岁,华裔印尼画家。[9]
  • V. S. Wakankar,68岁,印度考古学家。[10]
  • 弗洛雷斯汀·佩罗·柯林斯(Florestine Perrault Collins),93岁,美国专业摄影师。
  • 迈拉·德·格鲁特(Myra De Groot),50岁,英国出生的美籍澳大利亚女演员(《沙利文一家》(The Sullivans)《邻居》(Neighbours)),癌症。[11]
  • Kai Ewans,81岁,丹麦裔美国爵士乐簧片演奏家。
  • 加斯顿·艾斯肯斯(Gaston Eyskens),82岁,比利时政治家和首相。
  • 卡罗尔·法格罗斯,53岁,美国网球运动员,癌症。[12]
  • 埃里克·哈夫洛克(Eric A. Havelock),84岁,英国古典主义者。[13]
  • 罗伊·韦瑟比(Roy Weatherby),77岁,美国韦瑟比步枪公司的创始人和所有者。[14]
  • Delos Wickens,78岁,美国实验研究心理学家和作家(俄亥俄州立大学)。
  • Gunārs Astra,56岁,拉脱维亚人权活动家和反苏持不同政见者,患有心脏病。[22]
  • 约翰·克莱门茨,77岁,英国演员和制片人(无盔甲骑士南方骑行)。[23]
  • 勒罗伊·柯克兰(Leroy Kirkland),82-84岁,美国编曲家、乐队领队、吉他手和词曲作者。
  • 哈姆迪亚·波兹德拉茨,64岁,南斯拉夫共产主义政治家,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人民议会主席。[24]
  • Vilayati Ram Katyal,52岁,印度政治家,北方邦立法议会议员。[27]
  • 布鲁克·本顿(Brook Benton),56岁,美国歌手和词曲作者(《It's Just a Matter of Time》、《Endlessly》),肺炎。[28]
  • Syd Cohen,81岁,美国职业棒球大联盟(华盛顿参议员)。[29]
  • 约翰·赫尔曼·登特,80岁,美国政治家,美国众议院议员。[30]
  • 杰里·哈威,38岁,美国编剧和电影程式师(Z频道),谋杀自杀。[31]
  • 戴夫·普拉特,50岁,美国灵魂和节奏蓝调歌手和音乐家,车祸。[32]
  • Arturo Rotor,80岁,菲律宾医生,菲律宾执行秘书,癌症。
  • Willy Schaeffler,72岁,德裔美国滑雪运动员和教练,滑雪度假村开发商。[33]
  • 威廉·霍勒斯·坦普尔(William Horace Temple),89岁,加拿大政治家和工会会员。[34]
  • 西尔维亚·塔尔伯格,80岁,美国编剧(《蒙大拿月亮》)。
  • Khaqan Abbasi,巴基斯坦政治家,联邦生产部长,汽车被导弹击中。
  • 克里夫·格拉德温,72岁,英国板球运动员(英格兰板球队、德比郡)。[35]
  • 伍迪·克林(Woody Kling),62岁,美国电视编剧、制片人和作曲家,脑癌和肺癌。[36]
  • Ezekias Papaioannou,79岁,希族塞人政治家。
  • 伊塞尔·科尔奎洪,81岁,英国画家、诗人和作家。[37]
  • James R. Domengeaux,81岁,美国政治家,美国众议院议员,白血病。[38]
  • 杰夫·唐奈,66岁,美国女演员(杏林春暖、幻影小偷),心脏病发作。[39]
  • Jesse L. Lasky Jr.,77岁,美国编剧和小说家(参孙和黛利拉十诫),胰腺癌。[40]
  • Colette Deréal,60岁,法国女演员和歌手。
  • 谢里登·吉布尼(Sheridan Gibney),84岁,美国戏剧和电影作家和制片人(《路易士·巴斯德的故事》),癌症。[41]
  • 哈特曼·劳特巴赫,78岁,德国纳粹,副帝国元首,希特勒青年团元首,未被定罪的战犯。
  • 哈里·麦克沙恩(Harry McShane),96岁,苏格兰社会主义者。[42]
  • 艾伦·帕顿(Alan Paton),85岁,南非作家和反种族隔离活动家,癌症。[43]
  • 乔治·洛克,68岁,美国小号手和歌手(斯派克·钟斯和他的城市滑头)。
  • 弗兰克·斯卡夫,77岁,美国职业棒球大联盟(洛杉矶道奇,费城田径队),心脏病发作。[44]
  • Jean Gascon,67岁,加拿大歌剧导演和演员,心脏病发作。[45]
  • Leo Zeff,75岁,美国心理学家和心理治疗师。[46]
  • 罗斯玛丽·埃姆斯(Rosemary Ames),81岁,美国电影女演员(《蒙特卡洛的昆西先生》(Mr. Quincey of Monte Carlo),《再来一个春天》(One More Spring))。[52]
  • George E. Mylonas,89岁,希腊考古学家,心脏病发作。[53]
  • 玛丽亚·乌尔法·桑托索(Maria Ulfah Santoso),76岁,印尼政治家和女权活动家,社会事务部长。
  • 肯尼斯·威廉姆斯,62岁,英国演员和喜剧演员(《Carry On》),巴比妥类药物过量。[54]
  • 彼得·赫尔克,94岁,美国插画家。[86]
  • 休·诺尔斯(Hugh S. Knowles),83岁,美国声学工程师和发明家,美国声学学会主席,癌症。[87]
  • 梅尔文·普维斯(Melvin Price),83岁,美国政治家,美国众议院议员,癌症。[88]
  • 爱琳·里奇(Irene Rich),96岁,美国电影和广播女演员(育空女王阿帕奇堡),心力衰竭。[89]
  • 芭芭拉·罗比森(Barbara Robison),42岁,美国歌手(《花生酱阴谋》),中毒性休克综合症。[90]
  • Tchicaya U Tam'si,56岁,刚果作家。[91]
  • Gioacchino Colombo,85岁,意大利汽车发动机设计师(法拉利可伦坡发动机)。
  • 亚历山大·马金斯基(Alexander Makinsky),87岁,伊朗出生的美国商人,洛克菲勒基金会(Rockefeller Foundation)助理副总裁。
  • 帕维尔·旺卡(Pavel Wonka),35岁,捷克斯洛伐克政治活动家,肺栓塞。[94]
  • 乔纳森·伍德纳(Jonathan Woodner),44岁,美国房地产开发商和公路赛车手,空难。[95]


  • T. Glynne Davies,62岁,威尔士诗人、小说家、电视和电台广播员。
  • 埃米尔·鲁默(Émile Roumer),85岁,海地诗人。
  • Ginette Spanier,84岁,宝曼法国总监。


  1. ^ The journey from revolutionary activist to esteemed scholar of Professor Dao Duy Anh. ehoinhap.vanhoavaphattrien.vn. Retrieved 3 Jun 2024.
  2. ^ Jim Jordan, Fibber McGee of Radio, Dies. L.A. Times. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  3. ^ Child-killer taunted investigators for 30 years with disturbing notes. DNA ends the mystery of who did it, police say. CNN. Retrieved 12 Jul 2024.
  4. ^ Jacques André. olympedia.org. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  5. ^ Kimmell family shares anger over change in killer’s sentence. Wyoming Tribune Eagle. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  6. ^ Shah, Priti. મહેતા, પુષ્પાબહેન જનાર્દનરાય. Gujarati Vishwakosh. 2002-01-01 [2022-02-17] (古吉拉特语). 
  7. ^ Anthony Pelissier, Actor, 75需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 April 1988: D 21 [16 April 2024]. 
  8. ^ John T. McQuiston. Milton Caniff, 81, Creator of 'Steve Canyon,' Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 4 April 1988: B 10 [16 April 2024]. 
  9. ^ Lee Man Fong. Sotheby's. Retrieved 8 Jun 2024.
  10. ^ "Dr. V. S. Wakankar". Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. Retrieved 14 July 2024.
  11. ^ Myra de Groot (1937-1988). National Film and Sound Archive of Australia. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
  12. ^ Karol Fageros Short, Tennis Champion, 53. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
  13. ^ Eric A. Havelock, 84, Professor of Classics需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 6 April 1988: D 30 [16 April 2024]. 
  14. ^ Roy E. Weatherby Sr., Firearms Innovator, 77. New York Times. Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  15. ^ Mozaffar Firouz, 83, Iran 'Red Prince,' Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jun 2024.
  16. ^ Names in the News - April 7, 1988. L.A. Times. Retrieved 12 Jun 2024.
  17. ^ Swedish-Born Film Actor, TV Director Alf Kjellin, Age 68. L.A. Times. Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  18. ^ Obituary for Barbara Elizabeth Linington, 1921-1988 (Aged 67). Newspapers.com (Times-Press-Recorder). Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  19. ^ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography - subscription based - accessed 26 August 2011
  20. ^ Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, Medical Critic, 61. New York Times. Retrieved 23 Jun 2024.
  21. ^ Shorter, Alan (1932 - 1988), flugelhorn player. OxfordIndex.oup.com. [2017-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12). 
  22. ^ Gunārs Astra (1931-1988). Military Heritage Tourism. Retrieved 26 May 2024.
  23. ^ Sir John Clements, Stage Veteran, Dies at 77需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 April 1988: 1 36 [16 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-01). 
  24. ^ Hamdija Pozderac Yugoslav Official, 64需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 April 1988: D 21 [16 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-16). 
  25. ^ Sir Denis Hamilton, 69, British News Executive需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 April 1988: A 22 [16 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-16). 
  26. ^ Albert Rogell. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  27. ^ Tension after terrorists kill Kanpur Congress(I) legislator Vilayati Ram Katyal in Kanpur. India Today. Retrieved 16 Jun 2024.
  28. ^ Howard W. French. Brook Benton, Singer of Hit Tunes Known for his Ballads, Dies at 56需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 April 1988: 1 36 [16 April 2024]. 
  29. ^ Sydney Harry Cohen. mlb.com. Retrieved 1 June 2024.
  30. ^ John H. Dent, Former Legislator, 80. New York Times. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
  31. ^ Memorial Set for Frederica Rudulph. L.A. Times. Retrieved 12 Jun 2024.
  32. ^ Dave Prater, 50, Dies; Soul Singer of the 60's需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 13 April 1988: B 8 [16 April 2024]. 
  33. ^ Willy Schaeffler, Skiing Coach, 72需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 April 1988: D 35 [16 April 2024]. 
  34. ^ van Rijn, Nicolaas. William Temple, temperance leader. The Toronto Star (Toronto). 1988-04-11: A1, A12. 
  35. ^ Cliff Gladwin. Wisden. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  36. ^ Woody Kling, 62, Dies; Writer of TV Comedy. New York Times. Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  37. ^ Ithell Colquhoun. Tate Art Gallery. Retrieved 1 June 2024.
  38. ^ Ex-Rep. James Domengeaux, 81. New York Times. Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  39. ^ Jeff Donnell, 66, Dies; TV and Movie Actress需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 April 1988: 1 39 [16 April 2024]. 
  40. ^ Jesse Lasky Jr., 79; Was a Screenwriter. New York Times. Retrieved 19 Jun 2024.
  41. ^ S. Gibney; Oscar-Winning Screen Writer. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  42. ^ Sound recordings and transcriptions of interviews by Joan Smith of Harry McShane, Marxist activist, c1972-c1973. University of Warwick. Retrieved 23 Jun 2024.
  43. ^ Alan Paton, Author And Apartheid Foe, Dies of Cancer at 85. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  44. ^ Frank Skaff, Baseball Manager, 74需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 April 1988: B 6 [16 April 2024]. 
  45. ^ Jean Gascon, Director, 67需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 23 April 1988: 1 11 [16 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-16). 
  46. ^ Leo Zeff papers. Purdue University. Retrieved 17 Jul 2024.
  47. ^ Obituary for Daniel Guérin, French libertarian communist. The Anarchist Library. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  48. ^ John (Jack) McIntosh, M.P.. Parliament of Canada. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  49. ^ Obituaries: Pony Poindexter; Saxophonist With Jazz Vocal Group. L.A. Times. Retrieved 2 Jul 2024.
  50. ^ Camilla Ravera, 98, Italy Communist, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 April 1988: 1 39 [16 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-12). 
  51. ^ John Stonehouse; Ex-British Aide, 62, Faked Death in '74需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 April 1988: B 6 [16 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-16). 
  52. ^ Ames, Rosemary (1906–1988). encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  53. ^ G. E. Mylonas, 89, Archeologist Who Led Greek Excavations, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 May 1988: D 14 [16 April 2024]. 
  54. ^ Kenneth Williams, 62, Of the 'Carry On' Films需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 April 1988: 1 39 [16 April 2024]. 
  55. ^ Anderson, Sir John D'Arcy. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  56. ^ Crash of a Mitsubishi MU-2B-36 Marquise in Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert: 6 Killed. Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives. Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  57. ^ John Rockwell. Youri Egorov, 33, a Soviet Pianist Who Defected to Further His Art需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 20 April 1988: B 9 [16 April 2024]. 
  58. ^ Dutch Essayist Dead at 90. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  59. ^ John Reardon, 58, Noted Baritone And Champion of Modern Opera. New York Times. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
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  62. ^ Khalīl Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr. Britannica. Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  63. ^ Corpron, Carlotta (1901–1988). Texas State Historical Association. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  64. ^ Toni Frissell, 81, Dies; A Noted Photographer需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 20 April 1988: B 9 [16 April 2024]. 
  65. ^ Paul L. Freeman Jr., 80, Is Dead; Infantry Commander in Two Wars. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jun 2024.
  66. ^ On This Day in 1988 Nino Gaggi Died, Aged 62. nationalcrimesyndicate.com. Retrieved 8 Jun 2024.
  67. ^ Ms Felicity Lane-Fox. UK Parliament. Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  68. ^ Patrick Mphephu, Homeland Leader, 63需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 April 1988: B 10 [16 April 2024]. 
  69. ^ John Russell. Louise Nevelson, Sculptor, Is Dead at 88需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 19 April 1988: D 31 [16 April 2024]. 
  70. ^ Eva Novak Dies at 90; Starred With Tom Mix需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 20 April 1988: B 9 [16 April 2024]. 
  71. ^ Otto Pächt (1902-1988). NYU (year of death only). Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  72. ^ George Williams, Musical Arranger, 71. New York Times. Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  73. ^ Isaak Moiseevich Yaglom (obituary). IOP Science. Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  74. ^ Stanton Delaplane, 80; San Francisco Writer. New York Times. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
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  77. ^ Ali Oktay Rifat: Poems on living and dying, love and loitering. Daily Sabah. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  78. ^ Obituary for Phyllis Ross (Aged 85). Newspapers.com (Edmonton Journal). Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  79. ^ 권기옥 (Kwon Ki-ok). Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  80. ^ Jeanne R. Skinner. Marin Independent Journal. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
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  83. ^ Leslie Bennetts. I. A. L. Diamond Is Dead at 67; Won Oscar for 'The Apartment'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 22 April 1988: A 17 [1 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13). 
  84. ^ Lucas, Mitch. News Herald to announce Buddy Humphrey POY award. Kilgore News Herald. December 19, 2020 [November 14, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-14). 
  85. ^ Red Rudensky, 89, Safecracker Who Went Straight. New York Times. Retrieved 4 Jul 2024.
  86. ^ The Art of the Post: The Artist Who Loved Trains. The Saturday Evening Post (year of death only). Retrieved 12 Jun 2024.
  87. ^ Hugh S. Knowles, an Inventor, Is Dead at 83. New York Times. Retrieved 18 Jun 2024.
  88. ^ Jesus Rangel. Representative Melvin Price, 83, Is Dead of Cancer After 22 Terms需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 23 April 1988: 1 11 [16 April 2024]. 
  89. ^ Irene Rich, Silent-Screen Actress And Radio Personality, Dies at 96. New York Times. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  90. ^ Talevski, Nick. Rock Obituaries – Knocking On Heaven's Door. April 7, 2010 [January 29, 2015]. ISBN 9780857121172. 
  91. ^ Tchicaya U Tam’si. Britannica. Retrieved 13 Jul 2024.
  92. ^ Karl Leonhard’s Life (1904–1988). Springer. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  93. ^ Lord Ramsey, 83, Dies in Britain; Former Archbishop of Canterbury. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  94. ^ The World - News from May 10, 1988. L.A. Times. Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  95. ^ Jonathan Woodner, Real Estate Developer. New York Times. Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  96. ^ Lygia Clark. Hammer Museum (death year only). Retrieved 1 June 2024.
  97. ^ Carolyn Franklin, 43, Singer and Songwriter. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jun 2024.
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  99. ^ Burnita S. Matthews Dies at 93; First Woman on U.S. Trial Courts. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  100. ^ Sir Hugh Rankin, 88, an aristocrat turned communist .... Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
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  102. ^ Clifford D. Simak, 83, Journalist And Science-Fiction Writer, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
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  116. ^ Michael Grumley; Author, 46需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 30 April 1988: 1 11 [16 April 2024]. 
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  124. ^ Martin Wyldeck. The British Newspaper Archive. Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
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