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A quotation posted near Henry David Thoreau's cabin at Walden Pond



引文 改述
定义 与原文一字不差,用引号或版式(如整块缩进)专门标记 忠实与原文,但用维基百科编辑自己的话组织
一字不差吗? 是:一般原样复制,未遭编辑;调整之处(如更正节删)有清晰说明 否:忠实转达原始出处的意思,但换种说法表述
有专门标记吗? 是:用引号或特殊格式清晰标明引文始末 否:不在行文中特别标明



  1. This attitude to art and life can be summarized by Wilde's maxim, "When a truth becomes a fact it loses all its intellectual value."[1]
  2. In response to the RICO Act allegations, FooBarCo executive Pat Chung issued a statement that "Our entire legal department reviewed the plan before launch; they were certain then and now that it raises no racketeering red-flags of any kind."[2]
  3. A McMaster University research team lead by geneticist Sam D. McNabb, working with embryos from seven different species, published a paper in Nature in 2015, reporting that: "The gene we have isolated is almost certainly responsible for triggering embryonic differentiation of the cells that eventually become the mammalian cochlea."[3] Although awaiting further testing to confirm it beyond the placental mammals used in the research to date, with cochlear experiments on platypus and wallaby scheduled for 2016, the study concluded that "a different gene for this in monotremes or marsupials is highly improbable".[3]

Paraphrasing examples


"Stated", "said", and "wrote" imply a fairly direct paraphrase, of a specific party (how direct may depend on whether the original material is creative or hypothesizing, versus purely factual):

  1. This attitude to art and life was expressed by Oscar Wilde, who said that truths lose their intellectual value when they become facts.[1]
  2. In response to the RICO Act allegations, executive Pat Chung stated that FooBarCo's legal department had reviewed the plan for any possible violations of the law, and found none.[2]
  3. A Canadian research team wrote in a 2015 Nature paper that they have likely isolated the gene that triggers embryonic cochlear cell differentiation, in placental mammals and probably throughout the zoological class.[3]

Other less precise words usually have a less strict interpretation (but see WP:Manual of Style/Words to watch, with regard to "claimed", "alleged", and other often "loaded" terms):

  1. This post-modernist[4] attitude to art and life can be expressed in the truth-info-fact maxim,[1] that a widely held but unproven "truth", which may have a rich history of philosophical interpretation,[4] may lose its intellectual value by the time research has reduced it to a mere fact, which may be verified yet excised from its cultural context.[5]
  2. In response to the RICO Act allegations, FooBarCo indicated[2] that its legal department had cleared the plan.
  3. A Nature paper[3] announced in 2015 the identification of the gene thought to initiate cochlear development.




引文有助遵守非原创研究方针,但要小心滥用。引文必须由可靠来源支持,出处可供查证。关于引文出处标明的要求,请参见 WP:MOSQUOTEWP:CITE。出处应该在条目行文中标明,而不是单纯堆到注脚或参考区。读者可不会专程为此翻查注脚。







Do not put quotations in italics unless the quoted material would otherwise call for italics, such as for emphasis and the use of non-English words (see the Manual of Style). Indicate whether italics were used in the original text or whether they were added later. For example:

Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! [emphasis added]

引文必须清楚地表示。短引言用双引号引起( “引文”);长引言使用HTML标签“<blockquote>引用文字</blockquote>”或{{Quote}}等模板。英文维基百科建议的长短分界是40词。后者无需加入引号,因为已经<blockquote>{{quote}}已经表达引用语义。




Any alterations to quoted material must be clearly marked. Use square brackets [like this] for elided text or for added emphasis. Examples:

  • Police officer Dave Generic said, "Never in my life have I ever seen such a scruffy bunch of hoodlums" might be elided thus:
    • Police officer Dave Generic said, "[I've never] seen such a scruffy bunch of hoodlums".

Square brackets are also used to indicate an ellipsis (...) that is not part of the original material; for example:

  • Dave Generic's wife Davina said, "Poor Dave's been so busy this week, he's been chasing gangsters from Norwich to Truro and he hasn't had a day off since January. He deserves a pay rise." might be elided to:
    • Dave Generic's wife Davina said, "Poor Dave's been so busy this week [...] he deserves a pay rise". (see WP:ELLIPSIS for details),

Square brackets are also used to identify added emphasis. For example:

  • According to Horatio in Shakespeare's Hamlet, "Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!" [emphasis added].

Unexpected errors, imperfections and styles can be marked with "原文如此" using the template {{sic}} to identify an error in the original source that has not been introduced by a Wikipedia editor. Trivial spelling or typographical errors that do not affect the intended meaning may be silently corrected. To identify emphasis in the original source, use [emphasis in the original].

Quotations should generally be worked into the article text to avoid interrupting the pace, flow and organization of the article. Longer quotations may need to be set apart using the wikitext template {{Quote}} or the HTML blockquote element. Long quotations may also be hidden in the reference or as a footnote to facilitate verification by other editors without sacrificing readability.




  • 涉及争议话题时。依照WP:ATTRIBUTEPOV方针,偏见声明必须由表明归属。引文是表明归属的最直接手段。争议话题相关编者要注意,极富争议观点必须出自实际的语音或书面材料,而不能是“出自维基百科”。
  • 作者自创的独特短语或术语。 比如Oscar Wilde的妙语“The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable”。[6]





  • 引文使用没有相关性,即在条目中出现,但没有任何解释说明;
  • 改述能解释要点时却使用引文;
  • 引用成为条目或章节的主体。


  • 大量引文非百科全书文风。
  • 引文不应取代直白、简洁的文字。撰写条目时,请将引文和其解说内容穿插结合,不要摘引大量文字却鲜有评注。
  • 长引文或可用注脚列出,兼顾可读性与查证性。
  • 不要原创研究,加入与主体或说明事项无直接关系的引文。
  • 一般不宜使用引用框。这可能吸引读者注意力,让他们产生维基百科钦点某一来源观点的错觉——这有违反中立观点方针之虞。
  • 不要单独设立语录章节。我们有维基语录站台;编者可以用{{Wikiquote}}模板提示读者,该站台有相关语录。
  • 给引文插入连结要保守。





  • 复制内容不能占所引用材料的“大量部分”;且传递同样资讯时,能使用短引文就不得使用长引文。是否属于大量要看诸多因素,例如原作品长度、引文之于作品的相关性和重要性。极端案例Harper & Row诉Nation Enterprises中,从500页的书籍中引用400词就被判为侵权。法院的理据是,这400词涉及极富争议的突发新闻,在发售前释出精华内容严重损害全书价值。由此可见,维基百科不应摘引未发售的书籍[7]。简短引用符合方针,过量引用则不然。希望编辑做出正确判断。
  • 引用需辅助理解主体,无关引用应当移除。
  • 凡引用必须注明出处。



公有领域或以CC BY-SA协议释出的文字版权不是问题,引用这些文字不必合理使用。此时引文只需考虑文风问题。





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Oscar Wilde. "A Few Maxims For The Instruction Of The Over-Educated". First published anonymously in the Saturday Review of 17 November 1894.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 [hypothetical newspaper article]
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 [hypothetical journal paper]
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 [hypothetical philosophy article]
  5. ^ [hypothetical article on the anthropology of science]
  6. ^ Oscar Wilde: the critical heritage, by Karl E. Beckson, p. 306 citing act one of A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde.
  7. ^ 该案涉及首次出版美国前总统杰拉尔德·福特赦免理查德·尼克松的决定。美国最高法院裁定,首次出版权是极其重要的权利。