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坐标01°22′N 103°49′E / 1.367°N 103.817°E / 1.367; 103.817

结果 日军决定性胜利,开始新加坡日治时期
印度 第三军团
澳大利亚 第八师
英国 第十八师
马来西亚 马来军团
海峡殖民地 海峡殖民地志愿军
大日本帝国 近卫师团
大日本帝国 第五师
大日本帝国 第十八师
大日本帝国 第三空军师
大日本帝国 大日本帝国海军
英国 亚瑟·佩希瓦(被俘) 投降
澳大利亚 戈登·班奈特
英国 路易斯·希斯(被俘)
英国 默顿·贝克威斯-史密斯(被俘)
日本 山下奉文
日本 西村琢磨[1]
日本 松井拓郎
日本 牟田口廉也
85,000人 36,000人


最终日军攻陷新加坡,且这是史上最大一批英军主力部队的投降。[2]这批部队约有80,000人,分别来自英军印度军澳大利亚军,与马来亚战役中被日军俘虏的50,000人,一同成为了战俘英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔称新加坡的沦陷给日本是可耻的,并称那是英国历史上“最沉痛的浩劫”(worst disaster)与“规模最大的投降”(largest capitulation)。[3] 仅仅七天内,号称“坚不可摧”的新加坡堡垒便告沦陷。

















佩希瓦从澳大利亚第八师中调拨两个旅给戈登·班奈特,让他负责防守新加坡岛的西侧,包含西北方易受入侵的几个点。这里主要是红树林沼泽与丛林,其间有河流与小溪穿过。西侧区域的核心是登加空军基地,该空军基地是当时新加坡最大的机场。澳大利亚第二十二旅被指派到西侧去戍守长达10 mi(16 km)的区域;第二十七旅则被分配到新柔长堤西边,一块大小约4,000 yd(3,700米)的区域,这些步兵皆拥有刚抵达的澳大利亚第四分之二机枪营(Australian 2/4th Machine-Gun Battalion[9])来加强防御。另外,第四十四印度步兵旅也由班奈特负责指挥。






新加坡著名的大孔径海岸炮群,包含两座炮台,一座拥有三门15英寸(380 mm)火炮,另一座则拥有两门15英寸(380 mm)火炮,炮群拥有穿甲弹高能炸药可供反击。其中储存的穿甲弹主要是被设计用来击穿重装甲保护的战舰,而对人体伤害反而并不有效。对于火炮不能向日军开火是肇因于在设计时只能面向南方的说法,这是个误解,因为事实并非如此。虽然缺乏高能炸药的原因就是认为敌方不会从北方来,但大部分的火炮都能转向北方开火。Although placed to fire on enemy ships to the south, most of the guns could turn northwards and they did fire at the invaders. Military analysts later estimated that if the guns had been well supplied with HE shells the Japanese attackers would have suffered heavy casualties, but the invasion would not have been prevented by this means alone.












12月间,由24名飞行员所组成的五核心中队与51架飓风Mk II型战斗机被送往新加坡。他们于1942年1月3日抵达,而这个时候的F2A战斗机中队已不堪重负。于是组建了第232中队被,并将第488中队RNZAF英语No. 488 Squadron RNZAF从水牛中队改编为飓风战斗机。第232中对于1月20日加入到行动当中,并在当天以三架飓风战斗机的代价摧毁了三架一式战斗机“奥斯卡”[16]。然而,这些飓风战斗机也如先前的水牛战斗机一样,开始在激烈的缠斗中承受严重损失。

1月27日至1月30期间,另外48架飓风战斗机随着由顽强号航空母舰搭载的皇家空军第226团,从another 48 Hurricanes (Mk IIA) arrived with No. 226 Group (four squadrons) on the aircraft carrier “Indomitable”号92 (6), from which they flew to airfields code-named P1 and P2, near Palembang, Sumatra in the Dutch East Indies. The staggered arrival of the Hurricanes—along with inadequate early warning systems—meant that Japanese air raids were able to destroy a large proportion of the Hurricanes on the ground in Sumatra and Singapore.


2月8日早晨, a number of aerial dogfights took place over Sarimbun Beach and other western areas. In the first encounter, the last ten Hurricanes were scrambled from Kallang Airfield to intercept a Japanese formation of about 84 planes, flying from Johor to provide air cover for their invasion force.[15] In two sorties, the Hurricanes shot down six Japanese planes for the loss of one of their own; they flew back to Kallang halfway through the battle, hurriedly re-fuelled, then returned to it.[17] Air battles went on for the rest of the day, and by nightfall it was clear that with the few machines Percival had left, Kallang could no longer be used as a base. With his assent the remaining eight flyable Hurricanes were withdrawn to Palembang, Sumatra, and Kallang became merely an advanced landing ground.[18] No allied aircraft were seen again over Singapore, and the Japanese had achieved complete air supremacy.[19]











我认为你应该了解到,我们所看见新加坡的情势。It was reported to Cabinet by the C.I.G.S. [Chief of the Imperial General Staff, General Alan Brooke] that Percival has over 100,000 [sic] men, of whom 33,000 are British and 17,000 Australian. It is doubtful whether the Japanese have as many in the whole Malay Peninsula... In these circumstances the defenders must greatly outnumber Japanese forces who have crossed the straits, and in a well-contested battle they should destroy them. There must at this stage be no thought of saving the troops or sparing the population. The battle must be fought to the bitter end at all costs. The 18th Division has a chance to make its name in history. Commanders and senior officers should die with their troops. The honour of the British Empire and of the British Army is at stake. I rely on you to show no mercy to weakness in any form. With the Russians fighting as they are and the Americans so stubborn at Luzon, the whole reputation of our country and our race is involved. It is expected that every unit will be brought into close contact with the enemy and fight it out ...[20]

Wavell subsequently told Percival that the ground forces were to fight on to the end, and that there should not be a general surrender in Singapore.[2]

山下奉文 [21]

2月11日,由于了解到日军的补给正迅速见底,山下奉文决定虚张声势一番,并告知白思华“要尽速放弃无意义与绝望的抵抗”。到了这个情况,第二十二旅的兵力已减少至数百人By this stage, the fighting strength of the 22nd Brigade—which had borne the brunt of the Japanese attacks—had been reduced to a few hundred men. The Japanese had captured the Bukit Timah area, including most of the allied ammunition and fuel and giving them control of the main water supplies.

The next day, the Allied lines stabilised around a small area in the south-east of the island and fought off determined Japanese assaults. Other units—including the 1st Malaya Infantry Brigade—had joined in. A Malayan platoon—led by 2nd Lieutenant Adnan bin Saidi—held the Japanese for two days at the Battle of Pasir Panjang. His unit defended Bukit Chandu, an area which included a major Allied ammunition store. Adnan was executed by the Japanese after his unit was overrun.

On 13 February, with the Allies still losing ground, senior officers advised Percival to surrender in the interests of minimising civilian casualties. Percival refused, but unsuccessfully sought authority to surrender from his superiors.

That same day, military police executed a convicted British traitor, Captain Patrick Heenan, who had been an Air Liaison Officer with the Indian Army.[22] Japanese military intelligence had recruited Heenan before the war, and he had used a radio to assist them in targeting Allied airfields in northern Malaya. He had been arrested on 10 December and court-martialled in January. Heenan was shot at Keppel Harbour, on the south side of Singapore, and his body was thrown into the sea.[2]

The following day, the remaining Allied units fought on; civilian casualties mounted as one million people crowded into the area still held by the Allies, and bombing and artillery fire intensified. Civilian authorities began to fear that the water supply would give out.



At about 13:00 on 14 February, Japanese soldiers advanced towards the Alexandra Barracks Hospital.[23] A British lieutenant—acting as an envoy with a white flag—approached the Japanese forces but was bayoneted and killed.[24] After the Japanese troops entered the hospital, a number of patients, including those undergoing surgery at the time, were killed along with doctors and members of nursing staff.[25] The following day about 200 male staff members and patients who had been assembled and bound the previous day,[26] many of them walking wounded, were ordered to walk about 400米(440 yd) to an industrial area. Anyone who fell on the way was bayoneted. The men were forced into a series of small, badly ventilated rooms and were imprisoned overnight without water. Some died during the night as a result of their treatment.[27] The remainder were bayoneted the following morning.[28]

Private Haines of the Wiltshire Regiment—another survivor—had been in the hospital suffering from malaria. He wrote a four-page account of the massacre, that was sold by his daughter by private auction in 2008;[29] Haines describes how the Japanese did not consider those who were weak, wounded or who had surrendered to be worthy of life. After surrendering, staff were ordered to proceed down a corridor, where Sergeant Rogers was bayoneted twice in the back and another officer, Captain Parkinson, was bayoneted through the throat. Others killed included Captain Heevers and Private Lewis. Captain Smiley and Private Sutton were bayoneted but survived by playing dead. Many who had not been imprisoned in the tiny rooms in the industrial area were systematically taken away in small groups and bayoneted or macheted to death. This continued for 24 hours, leaving 320 men and one woman dead. Those who lost their lives included a corporal from the Loyal Regiment, who was impaled on the operating table, and even a Japanese prisoner who was perhaps mistaken for a Gurkha.[来源请求]

There were only five known survivors, including George Britton (1922–2009) of the East Surrey Regiment,[30] and Private Haines, also Hugo Hughes, who lost his right leg, and George Wort, who lost an arm, both of the Malay Regiment.[31] There may have been others. Haines' account came to light only after his death. Survivors were so traumatised that they rarely spoke of their ordeal.

After three days with no food or drink, those unable to walk were taken to Changi on wheelbarrows and carts, no motorised vehicles being available.


山下中将(中间坐者)以拳头敲桌强调他提出的要求 – 无条件投降。佩希瓦中将则坐在他的军官中间,他的手正紧抓着他的嘴巴。



英军派了一个代表团前去日军指挥部协商投降事宜。这个代表团包含一位高阶军官、殖民地书记及一位翻译员。They set off in a motor car bearing a Union Jack and a white flag of truce toward the enemy lines to discuss a cessation of hostilities.[2] They returned with orders that Percival himself proceed with staff officers to the Ford Motor Factory, where Yamashita would lay down the terms of surrender. A further requirement was that the Japanese Rising Sun Flag be hoisted over the tallest building in Singapore, the Cathay Building, as soon as possible to maximise the psychological impact of the official surrender. Percival formally surrendered shortly after 17:15.



  • 在新加坡的盟军全部无条件投降(包含路、海、空三军)。
  • 当晚8点30分停止双方敌对行为。
  • 所以部队留在原位静候进一步指示。
  • 要完整移交所有武器、军事装备、船舰、飞机及秘密文件。
  • 为防止市区陷入抢劫之类的暴动,在全部的军队从新加坡撤出以前,由一千名英军负责维护治安直到日军接手为止。





日本在英军投降后占领了新加坡,新加坡开始日治时期。日本的报纸欢天喜地宣布胜利,认为他们即将在整场战争中获胜。[34] 新加坡改名为昭南岛 ([昭南岛 Shōnan-tō] 错误:{{Lang-xx}}:文本有斜体标记(帮助; 意即“南方光明之岛”,或“昭和天皇在南洋获取的领土”)。日军对华人进行报复,并消灭任何的反日的组织及行动。由于中国抗日战争仍在进行,日本当局对华人采以怀疑态度,并在肃清大屠杀中对华人进行种族清洗。其他在新加坡的种族(如马来人及印度人)也不能幸免。接下来的三年半内,所有日本统治下的新加坡居民们,过着极度痛苦的生活。








  1. ^ L, Klemen. Rear-Admiral Shoji Nishimura. Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942. 1999-2000. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Smith, Colin. Singapore Burning: Heroism and Surrender in World War II. Penguin Group. 2006. ISBN 0-141-01036-3. 
  3. ^ Churchill, Winston (1986). The Hinge of Fate, Volume 4. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, p. 81. ISBN 0395410584
  4. ^ Thompson, p. 92–94.
  5. ^ L, Klemen; Bert Kossen, Pierre-Emmanuel Bernaudin, Dr. Leo Niehorster, Akira Takizawa, Sean Carr, Jim Broshot, Nowfel Leulliot. Seventy minutes before Pearl Harbor – The landing at Kota Bharu, Malaya, on December 7th 1941. Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942. 1999-2000. 
  6. ^ Thompson, p. 103–130.
  7. ^ Thompson, p. 60–61.
  8. ^ The Malayan Campaign 1941. [7 December 2005]. 
  9. ^ 澳大利亚第四分之二机枪营的介绍
  10. ^ Lee, Singapore: The Unexpected Nation, pg 37
  11. ^ War for the Empire: Malaya and Singapore, Dec 1941 to Feb 1942, Richard Reid, Australia-Japan Research Project
  12. ^ P.Elphick in S'pore the pregnable fortress – see bibliography – reports a quite different version
  13. ^ 澳大利亚第十八分之二步兵营的介绍
  14. ^ P.Elphick, op. cit. explains that this is mainly due to the high level of ... desertion among Australian units
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Frank Owen. The Fall of Singapore. England: Penguin Books. 2001. ISBN 0-14-139133-2. 
  16. ^ Cull, Brian and Sortehaug, Brian and Paul. Hurricanes Over Singapore: RAF, RNZAF and NEI Fighters in Action Against the Japanese Over the Island and the Netherlands East Indies, 1942. London: Grub Street, 2004. (ISBN 1-904010-80-6), pp. 27–29. Note: 64 Sentai lost three Ki-43s and claimed five Hurricanes.
  17. ^ Hawker Hurricane shot down on 8 February 1942. [11 August 2007]. 
  18. ^ Captured Hurricane, Captured J-Aircraft 
  19. ^ Percival's Despatches
  20. ^ The Second World War. Vol. IV. By Winston Churchill.
  21. ^ Shores 1992, p. 383.|width =35%| align =right
  22. ^ Peter Elphick, 2001, "Cover-ups and the Singapore Traitor Affair" Access date: 5 March 2007.
  23. ^ Thompson, p. 476.
  24. ^ Thompson, p. 477.
  25. ^ Thompson, p. 476–478.
  26. ^ Thompson, p. 477–478.
  27. ^ Thompson, p. 478.
  28. ^ Alexandra Massacre. [7 December 2005]. (原始内容存档于18 October 2005). 
  29. ^ Daily Express, 14 August 2008
  30. ^ George Britton, personal recollection 2009
  31. ^ Hugo Hughes' war diary, written in Changi
  32. ^ Nicholas Rowe, Alistair Irwin. Generals At War. 60 记录于. 21 September 2009. National Geographic Channel.  |city=被忽略 (帮助); 缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  33. ^ Lieutenant General Henry Gordon Bennett, CB, CMG, DSO an Australian War Memorial article
  34. ^ John Toland, The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire 1936–1945 p 277 Random House New York 1970
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Stanley, Peter. "Great in adversity": Indian prisoners of war in New Guinea. Australian War Memorial. [15 February 2008]. 





01°22′N 103°49′E / 1.367°N 103.817°E / 1.367; 103.817