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賽局複雜度(英語:game complexity)可以用許多方法加以衡量。本條目講述其中的5種方法:狀態空間複雜度(state-space complexity)、競賽樹的大小(game tree size)、策略複雜度(decision complexity)、競賽樹複雜度(game-tree complexity)與計算複雜度computational complexity)。






當這太難以計算時,常常通過包含一些不符合規則的狀態或不可能在賽局中出現的狀態, 從而計算出一個上界限














一個賽局的「競賽樹複雜度」指的是在構成初始狀態取值的最小「整個」決策樹中,葉子節點的數量。[1] 整個決策樹包含樹中所有深度的節點。


就算是去估量競賽樹複雜度,那也十分困難。不過對於一些賽局,一個合理的下界限可以由底數為賽局的平均分支因子,指數為賽局的平均步數英語Ply (game theory)的冪得出,即可以表示為:



一個賽局的計算複雜性理論描述對賽局進行漸近分析的難度,隨著它變得過於巨大,用大O符號表示,或者用複雜性類的成員關係表示。這個概念並不應用於特定的賽局,而是用於廣義的賽局英語Generalized game,它們會變得非常大,通常在一個n寬n高的面板上玩弄它們。(從計算複雜度的角度來看,一個在有限面板上進行的賽局是一個有限問題,可以通過計算O(1)解決。例如遍歷從方案到最佳的移動方案的所有方案。)

例子: 井字棋


以井字棋而言,一個簡單的狀態空間大小的上界限是39 = 19,683。( 每一個格子中有3種狀態,,有9個格子)這樣計算包含了許多不合規則的狀態,比如有5個X卻沒有0的狀態,或者兩方玩家都有形成一字的狀態。一個更精細的計算,除去了這些不合規則的狀態之後,留下5,478個狀態。然後,如果把旋轉或翻轉後會得到相同結果的狀態算作同一個的狀態話,那麼就可以得出765個真正本質上不同的狀態。

一個簡單的競賽樹大小的上界限是9! = 362,880。(一開始有9個格子可以下子,,第二回合變為8個,以此類推)這包括了一方玩家獲勝後繼續下子的不符合規則的情況。一個更精細的計算得出的是255,168種賽局過程。如果把旋轉或翻轉後會得到相同結果的狀態當作相同的話,那麼就僅有26,830種賽局過程。





賽局 棋盤大小







(步數英語Ply (game theory))

分枝因素 引用 對應廣義化賽局英語generalized game複雜性類
井字棋 9 3 5 9 4 PSPACE-complete[2]
Sim 15 3 8 14 3.7 PSPACE-complete[3]
五格骨牌 64 12 18 10 75 [4] [5] ?, but in PSPACE
美國播棋[6] 14 13 18 [4] Generalization is unclear
屏風式四子棋 42 13 21 36 4 [7] [1] ?, but in PSPACE
Domineering (8 × 8) 64 15 27 30 8 [4] ?, but in PSPACE; in P for certain dimensions[8]
馬來播棋 14 15 33 [4]
英國跳棋 32 20 or 18 31 70 2.8 [9] or [1] EXPTIME-complete[10]
西非播棋[11] 12 12 32 60 3.5 [1] Generalization is unclear
多層式四子棋 64 30 34 20 54.2 [1] PSPACE-complete[2]
迂棋 45 21 46 44 11 [12] ?, but in EXPTIME
直棋 24 10 50 50 10 [1] ?, but in EXPTIME
西洋跳棋 50 30 54 90 4 [1] EXPTIME-complete[10]
中國跳棋(2人) 121 23 [13] EXPTIME-complete [14]
中國跳棋(6人) 121 78 [13] EXPTIME-complete [14]
集結棋 64 23 64 44 29 [15] ?, but in EXPTIME
黑白棋 64 28 58 58 10 [1] PSPACE-complete[16]
OnTop (2人局) 72 88 62 31 23.77 [17]
六貫棋 121 57 98 40 280 [4] PSPACE-complete[18]
五子棋(15x15, 無禁手) 225 105 70 30 210 [1] PSPACE-complete[2]
圍棋(9x9) 81 38 45 [19] [1] EXPTIME-complete[20]
西洋棋 64 47 123 80 35 [21] EXPTIME-complete (without 50-move drawing rule) [22]
連六棋 361 172 140 30 46000 [23] PSPACE-complete[24]
雙陸棋 28 20 144 50-60 250 [25] Generalization is unclear
象棋 90 40 150 95 38 [1] [26][27] ?, believed to be EXPTIME-complete
角力棋 61 25 154 87 60 [28] ?, but in EXPTIME
三寶棋 271 127 157 66 240 [4] [29] ?, but in PSPACE
韓國將棋 90 44 160 100 40 [27] ?, believed to be EXPTIME-complete
牆棋 81 42 162 91 60 [30] ?, but in PSPACE
卡卡頌(2p base game) 72 >40 195 71 55 [31] Generalization is unclear
亞馬遜棋 100 40 212 84 374 or 299[32] [33] [34] PSPACE-complete[35]
圍棋(13x13) 169 79 90 [1] [19] EXPTIME-complete[20]
日本將棋 81 71 226 115 92 [26] [36] EXPTIME-complete[37]
印度鬥獸棋 64 43 402 92 17281 [38] [39] [40] ?, but in EXPTIME
圍棋(19x19) 361 171 360 150 250 [19] [1] EXPTIME-complete[20]
西洋陸軍棋 92 115 535 381 21.739 [41]
Double dummy bridge[註 1] (52) <17 <40 52 5.6


  1. ^ Double dummy bridge (i.e. double dummy problems in the context of contract bridge) is not a proper board game but has a similar game tree, and is studied in computer bridge, which motivates including it in the list. The bridge table can be regarded as having one slot for each player and trick to play a card in, which corresponds to board size 52. Game-tree complexity is a very weak upper bound: 13! to the power of 4 players regardless of legality. State-space complexity is for one given deal; likewise regardless of legality but with many transpositions eliminated. Note that the last 4 plies are always forced moves with branching factor 1.


  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Victor Allis. Searching for Solutions in Games and Artificial Intelligence (PDF) (Ph.D.論文). University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands. 1994 [2014-02-12]. ISBN 90-900748-8-0. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-09-27). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Stefan Reisch. Gobang ist PSPACE-vollstandig (Gomoku is PSPACE-complete). Acta Informatica. 1980, 13: 5966. 
  3. ^ Wolfgang Slany: The Complexity of Graph Ramsey Games
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 H. J. van den Herik; J. W. H. M. Uiterwijk; J. van Rijswijck. Games solved: Now and in the future. Artificial Intelligence. 2002, 134 (1–2): 277–311. doi:10.1016/S0004-3702(01)00152-7. 
  5. ^ Hilarie K. Orman: Pentominoes: A First Player Win in Games of no chance頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館, MSRI Publications – Volume 29, 1996, pages 339-344. Online: pdf頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
  6. ^ See van den Herik et al for rules.
  7. ^ John Tromp. John's Connect Four Playground. 2010 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔於2003-04-08). 
  8. ^ Cristopher Moore; Ivan Rapaport. Who wins domineering on rectangular boards?. MSRI Combinatorial Game Theory Research Workshop. July 2000.  author-name-list parameters只需其一 (幫助); Authors list列表缺少|last1= (幫助)
  9. ^ Jonathan Schaeffer; et al. Checkers is Solved. Science. July 6, 2007, 317 (5844): 1518–1522. PMID 17641166. doi:10.1126/science.1144079. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 J. M. Robson. N by N checkers is Exptime complete. SIAM Journal on Computing,. 1984, 13 (2): 252–267. doi:10.1137/0213018. 
  11. ^ See Allis 1994 for rules
  12. ^ M.P.D. Schadd, M.H.M. Winands, J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk, H.J. van den Herik and M.H.J. Bergsma. Best Play in Fanorona leads to Draw (PDF). New Mathematics and Natural Computation. 2008, 4 (3): 369–387 [2014-02-12]. doi:10.1142/S1793005708001124. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-10-25). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 G.I. Bell. The Shortest Game of Chinese Checkers and Related Problems. Integers. 2009 [2020-03-24]. arXiv:0803.1245可免費查閱. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-02). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Takumi Kasai, Akeo Adachi, and Shigeki Iwata. Classes of Pebble Games and Complete Problems. SIAM Journal on Computing. 1979, 8 (4): 574–586. doi:10.1137/0208046.  Proves completeness of the generalization to arbitrary graphs.
  15. ^ Mark H.M. Winands. Informed Search in Complex Games (PDF) (Ph.D.論文). Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. 2004 [2014-02-12]. ISBN 90-5278-429-9. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-07-31). 
  16. ^ S. Iwata and T. Kasai. The Othello game on an n*n board is PSPACE-complete. Theor. Comp. Sci. 1994, 123 (2): 329–340. doi:10.1016/0304-3975(94)90131-7. 
  17. ^ Robert Briesemeister. Analysis and Implementation of the Game OnTop (PDF) (學位論文). Maastricht University, Dept of Knowledge Engineering. 2009 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2014-03-06). 
  18. ^ Stefan Reisch. Hex ist PSPACE-vollst?ndig (Hex is PSPACE-complete). Acta Inf. 1981, (15): 167–191. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 John Tromp and Gunnar Farneb?ck. Combinatorics of Go. 2007. [永久失效連結] This paper derives the bounds 48<log(log(N))<171 on the number of possible games N.
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 J. M. Robson. The complexity of Go. Information Processing; Proceedings of IFIP Congress. 1983: 413–417. 
  21. ^ The size of the state space and game tree for chess were first estimated in Claude Shannon. Programming a Computer for Playing Chess (PDF). Philosophical Magazine. 1950, 41 (314) [2014-02-12]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2010-03-15).  Shannon gave estimates of 1043 and 10120 respectively, smaller than the upper bound in the table, which is detailed in Shannon number.
  22. ^ Aviezri Fraenkel and D. Lichtenstein. Computing a perfect strategy for n×n chess requires time exponential in n. J. Comb. Th. A. 1981, (31): 199–214. 
  23. ^ Chang-Ming Xu; Ma, Z.M.; Jun-Jie Tao; Xin-He Xu. Enhancements of proof number search in connect6. 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference. 2009: 4525. ISBN 978-1-4244-2722-2. doi:10.1109/CCDC.2009.5191963. 
  24. ^ On the fairness and complexity of generalized k-in-a-row games
  25. ^ 存档副本. [2008-04-15]. (原始內容存檔於2009-02-26). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen, Tai-Ning Yang, and Shun-Chin Hsu. Computer Chinese Chess (PDF). International Computer Games Association Journal. March 2004, 27 (1): 3–18 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2007-06-14). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Donghwi Park. Space-state complexity of Korean chess and Chinese chess. 2015 [2015-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-01). 
  28. ^ Chorus, Pascal. Implementing a Computer Player for Abalone Using Alpha-Beta and Monte-Carlo Search (PDF). Dept of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University. [29 March 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-09-18). 
  29. ^ Joosten, B. Creating a Havannah Playing Agent (PDF). [29 March 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-03-03). 
  30. ^ Lisa Glendenning. Mastering Quoridor (PDF). Computer Science (B.Sc.論文). University of New Mexico. May 2005 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2012-03-15). 
  31. ^ Cathleen Heyden. Implementing a Computer Player for Carcassonne (PDF) (學位論文). Maastricht University, Dept of Knowledge Engineering. 2009 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2014-03-06). 
  32. ^ The lower branching factor is for the second player.
  33. ^ Julien Kloetzer; Hiroyuki Iida; Bruno Bouzy. The Monte-Carlo Approach in Amazons. 2007 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-17). 
  34. ^ P. P. L. M. Hensgens. A Knowledge-Based Approach of the Game of Amazons (PDF). Universiteit Maastricht, Institute for Knowledge and Agent Technology. 2001 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-03-03). 
  35. ^ R. A. Hearn. Amazons is PSPACE-complete. 2005-02-02. arXiv:cs.CC/0502013可免費查閱. 
  36. ^ Hiroyuki Iida, Makoto Sakuta, Jeff Rollason. Computer shogi. Artificial Intelligence. january 2002, 134 (1–2): 121–144. doi:10.1016/S0004-3702(01)00157-6. 
  37. ^ H. Adachi, H. Kamekawa, and S. Iwata. Shogi on n × n board is complete in exponential time. Trans. IEICE. 1987, J70–D: 1843–1852. 
  38. ^ Christ-Jan Cox. Analysis and Implementation of the Game Arimaa (PDF). 2006 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-10-27). 
  39. ^ David Jian Wu. Move Ranking and Evaluation in the Game of Arimaa (PDF). 2011 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-03-17). 
  40. ^ Brian Haskin. A Look at the Arimaa Branching Factor. 2006 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔於2009-11-07). 
  41. ^ A.F.C. Arts. Competitive Play in Stratego (PDF) (學位論文). Maastricht. 2010 [2014-02-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-03-04). 



