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前任盛溫英語Sein Win (minister)
繼任丁昂山英語Tin Aung San
緬甸副總理英語Deputy Prime Minister of Myanmar
梭溫丁昂山英語Tin Aung San溫辛英語Win Shein丹穗同時在任
出生 (1961-05-05) 1961年5月5日63歲)
內閣敏昂萊軍政府內閣英語Min Aung Hlaing's military cabinet
效忠緬甸 緬甸國防軍
服役 緬甸
軍階 將軍 (軍銜)

妙吞烏[2]緬甸語မြထွန်းဦး發音:[mja̰ tʰʊ́ɴ ʔú],1961年5月5日出生)[3][4]是緬甸陸軍將領和政治家,自2023年2月起擔任緬甸副總理兼國防部長,此前他曾擔任國防部長,並自2021年2日起擔任國家管理委員會委員。[5][6][7][8]他也是國家防務與安全委員會英語National Defence and Security Council成員,擔任國防部長[9][10][11][12]



妙吞烏於1961年5月5日出生於緬甸仰光色枝村[13][14] 1984 年,他畢業於國防服務學院第25期。[13][15][16]



妙吞烏在軍隊中晉升很快,以其在野戰和參謀職位上的業績而聞名。[17][18][19]2010年,他晉升為準,並擔任母校國防服務學院的校長。[20][21] 2011年至2012年,他擔任東部中央軍區司令,管轄撣邦中部地區[22][23][24] 2012年,他晉升為少將軍階,擔任陸軍參謀長、軍事安全事務負責人、第六特別作戰局局長。[20][25] 2015年至2017年,他擔任第五特別作戰局局長。[22][26][27] 2016年8月26 日,他晉升為上將,擔任陸海空三軍總參謀長。[20][28][29]他於2021年2月1日被國防軍總司令任命為國防部長。[30][31]2021年2月2 日被國防軍總司令任命為國家行政委員會成員。[32][33][34]



根據第14014號行政命令,美國財政部自2021年2 月11 日起對妙吞烏實施制裁,以回應緬甸軍方推翻緬甸民選文職政府的政變。[35][36]美國的制裁包括凍結其在美任何資產,並禁止其與美國個人進行交易。[37][38][39]

鑑於緬甸人權和人道主義狀況的嚴重性,加拿大政府自2021年2月18 日起根據《特別經濟措施法》和《特別經濟措施(緬甸)條例》對他實施制裁。[40][41]加拿大的制裁包括凍結其在加拿大的潛在資產以及禁止與加拿大個人進行交易。[42][43][44]

英國財政部英國外交、聯邦和發展部也自2021年2月18 日起對其實施制裁,因為他對緬甸嚴重侵犯人權的行為負有責任。[45][46]英國的制裁措施包括凍結其在英國持有的潛在資產,以及禁止前往或過境英國。[47][48][49]

此外,歐盟理事會自2021年3月22日起根據理事會條例 (EU) 2021/479 和理事會實施條例 (EU) 2021/480(修訂了理事會條例 (EU) No 401/2013),因為其對軍事政變以及隨後的軍事和警察鎮壓和平示威者負有責任,而對其實施制裁。[50][51]歐盟的制裁包括凍結在歐盟成員國的資產以及禁止前往或過境成員國。[52][53][54][55]







  1. ^ Myanmar Junta Leader Reshuffles Cabinet Days After Extending Emergency Rule. 伊洛瓦底. 2023-08-04 [2023-08-05]. 
  2. ^ 缅甸副总理兼交通与通讯部长妙吞乌赴华出席第三届“一带一路”国际合作论坛. 中華人民共和國駐緬甸聯邦共和國大使館經濟商務處. 2023-10-17. 
  3. ^ Brigadier General Mya Tun Oo, commander of the Defense Services Academy, and Brigadier General Ko Ko Naing, commander of the Defense Services Medical Academy, are said to have been appointed as the commanders of newly formed RMCs.. 伊洛瓦底. 2010-12-29. 
  4. ^ Financial Sanctions Notice Burma 18 February 20212. Government of Jersey英語Government of Jersey. 2021-02-18. 
  5. ^ Order No (9/2021), Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Republic of the Union of Myanmar (PDF). The Global New Light of Myanmar. 2021-02-03: 3 [2021-04-12]. 
  6. ^ Order No (6/2021), Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Republic of the Union of Myanmar (PDF). 緬甸新光. 2021-02-02: 5 [2021-04-12]. 
  7. ^ Tatmadaw names new govt officials. The Myanmar Times英語The Myanmar Times. 2021-02-01 [2021-02-01]. 
  8. ^ Tatmadaw admits villagers killed during interrogation. 緬甸前線. 2016-07-21. 
  9. ^ Myanmar security forces took part in killing 10 Rohingya: army. The Peninsula (newspaper)英語The Peninsula (newspaper). 2018-01-10. 
  10. ^ Myanmar military admits soldiers killed villagers. Gulf Times英語Gulf Times. 2016-07-20. 
  11. ^ Burma Army Reports More Than 100 Casualties in Mong Ko Clashes. 伊洛瓦底. 2017-02-28. 
  12. ^ 677 CSOs call on ASEAN to bar Myanmar from ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting. Burma News International英語Burma News International. 2022-06-16. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Lt-Gen Mya Tun Oo Appointed Burmese Military's Chief of General Staff. The Irrawaddy. 2016-08-29 [2021-02-01] (美國英語). 
  14. ^ Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by Members of the State Administration Council General Mya Tun Oo, General Maung Maung Kyaw, Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, U Thein Nyunt, U Khin Maung Swe, Joint-Secretary of the Council Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Union Ministers U Tin Htut Oo, U Hla Moe, U Aung Than Oo, Dr Charlie Than, U Khin Yi, Dr Thet Khaing Win and U Min Thein Zan, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Hla Soe, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Commander of the Yangon Command, Mayor and officials, inspected Aung San Stadium in Mingala Taungnyunt Township, and Kyaikkasan Sports Grounds in Tamway Township yesterday.. 國防部 (緬甸). 2021-10-08. 
  15. ^ Min Aung Hlaing and His Generals: Some Biographical Notes. FULCRUM. 2021-08-04 [2022-09-22] (美國英語). 
  16. ^ Lieutenant General Mya Htun Oo, chief of military affairs security, made the claim on Saturday as a broader spectrum of ethnic rebel groups issued a statement of moral support for the Kokang.. 曼谷郵報. 2015-02-21. 
  17. ^ Who will be Myanmar's Commander-in-Chief?. NORTHEAST NOW. [2021-02-01] (美國英語). 
  18. ^ Myanmar's army chief, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, has reshuffled top posts in the army, Reuters reported on 26 August. The reshuffle saw the promotion of the intelligence chief and a number of other officers. Military intelligence chief Lieutenant General Mya Tun Oo was promoted to the joint chief of staff of the army, navy, and air force, the de-facto third most senior position and one seen as a stepping stone to becoming army chief.. Burma News International英語Burma News International. 2016-08-29. 
  19. ^ Myanmar army denies ethnic cleansing of Rohingya in Rakhine state. 澳大利亞廣播公司. 2017-03-01. 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Lt-Gen Mya Tun Oo Appointed Burmese Military's Chief of General Staff. The Irrawaddy. 2016-08-29 [2021-02-01] (美國英語). 
  21. ^ Myanmar’s Ties With Russia Deepening Since Coup: Military. 伊洛瓦底. 2021-08-26. 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Min Aung Hlaing and His Generals: Some Biographical Notes. FULCRUM. 2021-08-04 [2022-09-22] (美國英語). 
  23. ^ Myanmar Junta Marks UN’s Call for Arms Trade Halt With Shopping Trip. 伊洛瓦底. 2021-06-21. 
  24. ^ Lieutenant General Mya Tun Oo Appointed Burmese Military’s Chief of General Staff. 伊洛瓦底. 2016-08-29. 
  25. ^ Myanmar Junta Sacked Generals Who Served as Minsters During NLD Govt. 伊洛瓦底. 2021-11-26. 
  26. ^ Ben Sokhean. Junta snubbed: Cambodia bars SAC Defence Minister from Asean meets. Khmer Times英語Khmer Times. 2022-11-22. 
  27. ^ Aung Thet Wine. Tipped as Next Burma Army Chief, Mya Tun Oo Gets Promotion. 伊洛瓦底. 2014-07-23. 
  28. ^ Myanmar junta representative attends ASEAN defense meeting. 自由亞洲電台. 2022-06-22. 
  29. ^ SAC reshuffles its cabinet members. Eleven Media Group英語Eleven Media Group. 2023-08-04. 
  30. ^ Order No (6/2021), Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Republic of the Union of Myanmar (PDF). The Global New Light of Myanmar. 2021-02-02: 5 [2021-04-12]. 
  31. ^ Tipped as Next Myanmar Army Chief, Mya Tun Oo Gets Promotion. The Irrawaddy. 2014-07-23 [2021-02-01] (美國英語). 
  32. ^ Order No (9/2021), Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Republic of the Union of Myanmar (PDF). The Global New Light of Myanmar. 2021-02-03: 3 [2021-04-12]. 
  33. ^ The meeting of the Intellectual Property (IP) Central Committee 1/2023 was held at the conference room of the Ministry of Commerce, Nay Pyi Taw in the morning on June 21, 2023 and the Chairman of the Intellectual Property Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Ministry of Defence, General Mya Tun Oo delivered an opening speech.. Ministry of Commerce. 2023-06-21. 
  34. ^ The Myanmar Cyber Security Challenge 2023 (open Level) competition was held at the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Nay Pyi Taw from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm yesterday, graced by Union Transport & Communications Minister General Mya Tun Oo and dignitaries.. 國防部 (緬甸). 2023-08-06. 
  35. ^ Myanmar Junta Leader Reshuffles Cabinet Days After Extending Emergency Rule. 伊洛瓦底. 2023-08-04. 
  36. ^ Snubbed Myanmar Junta Leader Must Watch China’s BRI Summit From Home. 伊洛瓦底. 2023-10-17. 
  37. ^ United States Targets Leaders of Burma's Military Coup Under New Executive Order. The 美國財政部. 2021-02-11 [2021-04-04]. 
  38. ^ State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications, General Mya Tun Oo, participated in the Naga Traditional New Year festival for 2024 in Leshi of Naga Self-Administered Zone yesterday.. 國防部 (緬甸). 2024-01-17. 
  39. ^ Myanmar Coup Leader Fires Two Members of Junta’s Highest Body for Corruption. 伊洛瓦底. 2023-09-26. 
  40. ^ Financial Sanctions Notice Burma 18 February 2021. gov.je. [2024-01-26] (英語). 
  41. ^ At the invitation of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China, a delegation led by State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo departed from Yangon yesterday morning to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held in Beijing on 17 and 18 October.. 國防部 (緬甸). 2023-10-17. 
  42. ^ Special Economic Measures Act (S.C. 1992, c. 17). Justice Laws Website. 1992-06-04 [2021-04-11]. 
  43. ^ Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations: SOR/2021-18. The 加拿大政府. 2021-02-18 [2021-04-11]. 
  44. ^ Over 1M global travelers visited Myanmar from Jan to Oct. 國家 (雜誌). 2023-12-09. 
  45. ^ PDF Drones Target Southeastern Regional Military Command During visit of Junta’s Deputy Chief. Burma News International英語Burma News International. 2024-04-09. 
  46. ^ Myanmar delegation led by State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo arrived back in Myanmar on Thursday after attending the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing of the People’s Republic of China on 17 and 18 October.. 國防部 (緬甸). 2023-10-21. 
  47. ^ Raab, Dominic. UK sanctions Myanmar military generals for serious human rights violations:The Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced sanctions against members of the Myanmar military for serious human rights violations following the military coup.. 外交、聯邦及發展事務部. 2021-02-18 [2021-04-12]. 
  48. ^ Myanmar junta sacks general for alleged bribery and corruption. 自由亞洲電台. 2023-09-21. 
  49. ^ Burmese Opposition Offensive Switches Strategy – Analysis. Eurasia Review. 2024-04-19. 
  50. ^ Beijing Bound: Myanmar Transport Minister Joins Race to China. 伊洛瓦底. 2023-09-25. 
  51. ^ SAC appoints General Mya Tun Oo as the Chairman of the Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee. Eleven Media Group英語Eleven Media Group. 2023-09-21. 
  52. ^ Myanmar/Burma: EU sanctions 11 people over the recent military coup and ensuing repression. The 歐洲聯盟理事會. 2021-03-22 [2021-04-11]. 
  53. ^ Official Journal of the European Union: 15–24. 2021-03-22 [2021-04-11]. 
  54. ^ Myanmar junta signs addendum for deep seaport project with China amidst Rakhine conflicts. Narinjara News. 2023-12-28. 
  55. ^ “Min Aung Hlaing and His Generals: Data on the Military Members of Myanmar’s State Administration Council Junta” by Htet Myet Min Tun, Moe Thuzar and Michael Montesano. 尤索夫伊薩東南亞研究所. 2021-07-23. 
  56. ^ တပ်မတော်ကာကွယ်ရေးဦးစီးချုပ် ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မှူးကြီး မင်းအောင်လှိုင် ဦးဆောင်သည့် မြန်မာ့တပ်မတော် ချစ်ကြည်ရေးကိုယ်စားလှယ်အဖွဲ့ လာအိုပြည်သူ့ဒီမိုကရက်တစ် သမ္မတနိုင်ငံမှပြန်လည်ရောက်ရှိ. Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services. [2021-02-01] (緬甸語). 
  57. ^ မြန်မာ့တပ်မတော် အားကစားအဖွဲ့နှင့် လာအိုပြည်သူ့တပ်မတော် အားကစားအဖွဲ့ ချစ်ကြည်ရေး ဘောလုံးပြိုင်ပွဲနှင့် ပိုက်ကျော်ခြင်းပြိုင်ပွဲများအသီးသီး ယှဉ်ပြိုင်ကစား. Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services. 2019-10-09 [2021-02-02].