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Gladstone Charles Fletcher Porteous
兒女露絲·凱瑟琳(Ruth Catherine
克莉絲汀·奧利弗(Christine Olive
斯坦利·約翰(Stanley John
父母父:約翰·鄧普西-波蒂厄斯(John Dempsey-Porteous

張爾昌Gladstone Charles Fletcher Porteous,1874年—1944年11月),是一位澳洲籍新教傳教士,於1904年被中國內地會派往中國雲南傳教。他是一位專業《聖經》譯者,設計了彝語北部方言的拼音字母,並將《新約聖經》譯成數個中國方言版本。[1][2][3][4][5]



張爾昌原名格拉德斯通·查爾斯·弗萊徹·波蒂厄斯Gladstone Charles Fletcher Porteous),在澳洲維省的卡根漢姆鎮(Carngham)的一個英國移民家庭出生。他的父親約翰·鄧普西-波蒂厄斯(John Dempsey-Porteous)是攜妻帶子從蘇格蘭格拉斯哥遷來的。[6]



張爾昌青年時加入了英國內地會,並在位於墨爾本郊區里奇蒙里霍博斯傳教士學院Rehoboth Missionary College)接受培訓。之後,張爾昌受內地會派遣,於1904年10月抵達廣州。於1906年,被內地會指派到雲南武定縣灑普山傳教,張爾昌於大約1915年抵達灑普山。在此期間,張爾昌一邊學習中文,一邊憑藉著醫學知識和帶來的醫學儀器,爲當地苗人治病。[7]他的朋友們都稱張爾昌為「格拉迪」波蒂厄斯("Gladdie" Porteous)。[8]




後來,張爾昌和米妮·波蒂厄斯(Minnie Porteous)結婚,並育有三名子女:露絲·凱瑟琳(Ruth Catherine)、克莉絲汀·奧利弗(Christine Olive)和斯坦利·約翰(Stanley John,二戰期間在澳大利亞皇家空軍時戰死)。[10]






  1. ^ Annual Report of the American Bible Society (American Bible Society, 1949) p. 133 "Gladstone Porteous – Mr. Porteous had completed the translation of the Nasu New Testament before Pearl Harbor and had it accepted by the China Bible House for publication. Only the first page of the manuscript was actually in the hands."
  2. ^ The Tai Race, Elder Brother of the Chinese, ed. William Clifton Dodd, Isabella Ruth Eakin Dodd (1996) "A call was sent out by Mr. Gladstone Porteous, from Wutingchow, Yunnan. It was addressed to 'The Presbyterian Laos Mission, Bangkok, Siam,' and in due time it came to me."
  3. ^ Among the Tribes in South-west China, Samuel R. Clarke (1984) p. 315 "Mr. Nicholls and Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Porteous are kept very busy in the work. Difficulties many, and dangers not a few, beset the path. The Miao are low in the social scale. The landlords of their miserably barren farms are Chinese."
  4. ^ Marshall Broomhall The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission (China Inland Mission, 1915) p. 386 "In Yunnan Mr. Nicholls, who lost his wife in 1903, has had as colleagues Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Porteous, Mr. G.E. Metcalf, and more recently Mr. and Mrs. Gowman."
  5. ^ 高漫 - 華人基督教史人物辭典頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) 撒普山在雲南府(今昆明市)以北,接近山區的一個村寨。1907年,郭秀峯教士(Arthur G. Nicholls)和張爾昌教士夫婦(Mr. & Mrs. Gladstone Porteous)在此地建立了
  6. ^ China's Millions (China Inland Mission, Council for North America, 1906) "Nichols has had a new worker, Mr. Gladstone Porteous, from Australia, join him in the work at the south gate during the quarter. Mr. Porteous is now studying the language there, and giving such help as he can in the work."
  7. ^ Lachlan Strahan Australia's China: Changing Perceptions from the 1930s to the 1990s. p. 111.
  8. ^ Elinor Violet May Cook, Fijian Diary, 1904–1906: A Young Australian Woman's Account, 1996, p. 189 "Gladdie – Gladstone Porteous was an old friend of the Cook family who shared with them keen interest in missions. He himself served with the China lnland Mission."
  9. ^ Joakim Enwall A Myth become Reality: History and Development of the Miao written language. Institute of Oriental Languages (Stockholm University, 1995) p. 241.
  10. ^ 張爾昌簡介 雲南苗族基督教網 2010年8月13日 張爾昌(Gladstone Porteous 1874–1944). 英籍澳大利亞人,基督教內地會傳教士。1874年生於澳大利亞,1904年10月到中國傳教,先在廣州,1915年左右到 ... "
  11. ^ A Tribute from a Friend, quoted in biography of Gladstone Porteous by Ruth Porteous Bailey and Christine Porteous, in The Porteous Story, 1975, Porteous Associates.
  12. ^ 近代西南少數民族語言聖經翻譯出版考述 - 原創代寫論文網 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2011-07-18. 2010年5月6日... Hanson)等創製了景頗文;美國浸禮會傳教士永文生(Vincent Young)創製了拉祜文、佤文;英籍澳大利亞傳教士張爾昌(Gladstone Porteous)等創製了彝文。
  13. ^ Chinese language travel blog with photos of chapel and road to the grave. [2013-11-16]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-06). 
  14. ^ 撒營盤鎮人文地理 - 雲南政府官方網站[失效連結] 2007年11月29日 ... 祿勸彝族苗族自治縣撒營盤鎮數字鄉村新農村建設信息網 ... 回國,改革開放後,張爾昌夫婦和外籍外教士的子孫陸繼回到撒營盤鎮的撒老塢村委會,並與鎮 ...


  • Annual report of the American Bible Society (American Bible Society, 1949), p. 133.
  • Bailey, Ruth Porteous, and Porteous, Christine. Gladstone Porteous – China Missionary. In The Porteous Story, Porteous Associates, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1975), p. 190.
  • Broomhall, Marshall. The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission. (China Inland Mission, 1915), p. 386.
  • China's Millions (China Inland Mission, October 1904; 1906).
  • Clarke, Samuel R. Among the Tribes in South-West China (China Inland Mission, 1911), p. 315.
  • Cook, Elinor Violet May. Fijian diary, 1904–1906: A Young Australian Woman's Account (1996), p. 189.
  • Enwall, Joakim. A myth becomes Reality: History and Development of the Miao Written Language (Institute of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, 1995), p. 241.
  • Lo, Jacqueline. Writing Home, Chinese Australian Perspectives (Centre for the Southern Chinese Diaspora, Division of Pacific and Asian History, The Australian National University, 2000), p. 39.
  • Sang, Ye (ed.). China Candid: The People on the People's Republic (University of California Press, 2006), p. 212.
  • Strahan, Lachlan. Australia's China: Changing Perceptions from the 1930s to the 1990s (Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 111.