提康德羅加堡戰役 (1759年)
提康德羅加堡戰(Battle of Ticonderoga[4][5]), 指法國-印第安人戰爭期間,1759年7月26日及27日一場輕微的戰術對抗,地點在鐘琴砲台(Fort Carillon,後改稱 Fort Ticonderoga,即提康德羅加砲台[6])。傑弗里‧阿默斯特將軍(General Sir Jeffrey Amherst)指揮,英國軍事武力11000多人,移動火砲到高地,俯瞰砲台。準將弗朗索瓦-夏爾·德·布拉馬克[7]指揮,撤防400個法國人守衛砲台。
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 McLynn (2004), p. 154
- ^ Kingsford (1890), p. 331 contains a copy of Amherst's troop returns.
- ^ McLynn (2004), p. 155
- ^ Loescher B. G. Genesis, Rogers Rangers: The First Green Berets, The Corps & The Revivals, April 6, 1758-December 24, 1783 (A heritage classic). Heritage Books. 2007: 3. ISBN 0788415751.
- ^ Reid S. Quebec 1759: The Battle That Won Canada (Campaign). Osprey Publishing. 2003: 9. ISBN 1855326051.
- ^ Nester W. R. The Epic Battles for Ticonderoga, 1758. State University of New York Press. 2008: 239. ISBN 079147321X.
- ^ Chartrand R. Ticonderoga 1758: Montcalm's victory against all odds (Campaign). Osprey Publishing. 2000: 21. ISBN 1841760935.