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雷切爾·克蘭頓(1962年)是美國經濟學家,是杜克大學的詹姆斯·杜克名譽教授。她是計量經濟協會會士並於2010年接任了Blaise Pascal的主席。她被選為任美國經濟協會執行委員會頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)2015-2018年的成員。克蘭頓的研究的重點是社會機制如何影響經濟產出,並如何應用在例如經濟發展、國際經濟和產業組織等經濟內的各種領域的。


在一個長期協作中,克蘭頓和加利福尼亞伯克利大學的喬治·阿克洛夫被引薦為正規經濟分析師的社會身份[5]阿克洛夫和克蘭頓最近出版了一本書,標識經濟學,它為他們的研究提供了一個全面的且可獲得的討論。[6]科學期刊的回顧之中,羅伯特·瑟登寫道:「非專業性的讀者會發現很多對--明確問題如何影響的實際經濟情況富有見解且具有洞察力的分析。」[7] 彭博新聞社定義經濟學列為2010年頂級的30本商業書籍之一。[8]



獲得賓夕法尼亞大學經濟和中東研究的本科生學位。然後,她收到來自普林斯頓大學伍德羅*威爾遜學校 在經濟學和公共事務的M.P.A.(公共管理學位),後來她從加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校獲得經濟學博士學位。

克蘭頓已經在馬里蘭大學杜克大學擔任的職位,並接收了在拉塞爾·塞奇基金會和普林斯頓大學的高級研究院的研究基金。在2011-2012年,克蘭頓擔任了巴黎大學經濟學院的一個客座教授。 她宣布從2018年7月開始將接任杜克大學社會科學院長的位置。[9]


  1. ^ Yann Bramoullé and Rachel Kranton, "Public Goods in Networks," Journal of Economic Theory 135(1), July 2007, pp. 478–94
       • Yann Bramoullé and Rachel Kranton. (2007), "Risk Sharing Networks," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 64(3–4), 275–94.
  2. ^ Rachel Kranton and Deborah Minehart, "A Theory of Buyer-Seller Networks," American Economic Review 91 (3), June 2001, pp. 485–508.
       • Rachel Kranton and Deborah Minehart, "Competition for Goods in Buyer-Seller Networks," Review of Economic Design, 5 (3), September 2000, pp. 301–31.
  3. ^ Rachel Kranton and Anand Swamy, "Contracts, Hold-Up, and Exports: Textiles and Opium in Colonial India," American Economic Review 98 (3), June 2008, pp. 967–89.
       • "The Hazards of Piecemeal Reform: British Civil Courts and the Credit Market in Colonial India," Rachel Kranton and Anand Swamy, Journal of Development Economics, 58 (1), February 1999, pp. 1–24.
  4. ^ Rachel Kranton, "Reciprocal Exchange: A Self-Sustaining System," American Economic Review, 86 (4), September 1996, pp. 830–51.
  5. ^ Akerlof, G. and R. Kranton, "Economics and Identity," Quarterly Journal of Economics CVX (3), August 2000, pp. 715–53.
       • Akerlof, G. and R. Kranton, "Identity and the Economics of Organizations," Journal of Economic Perspectives 19 (1), Winter 2005, pp. 9–32.
       • Akerlof, G. and R. Kranton, "Identity and Schooling: Some Lessons for the Economics of Education," Journal of Economic Literature, 40 (4), December 2002, pp. 1167–201.
       • Akerlof, G. and R. Kranton, "Identity, Supervision, and Work Groups," American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 98 (2), May 2008, pp. 212–17.
  6. ^ Akerlof, G. and R. Kranton, Identity Economics, Princeton University Press, 2010.
  7. ^ Sugden, Robert (2010), Science 21, Vol. 328 no. 5981, p. 978.
  8. ^ Pressley, James. "Favorite 30 Business Books, From 『Adam Smith』 to 『The Zeroes,』" Bloomberg (Nov 15, 2010): online at https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-16/-voldemort-book-kills-merrill-hellhound-bites-citi-top-business-books.html頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  9. ^ Rachel Kranton named new dean of social sciences. The Chronicle. [2018-07-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-18). 

