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請不要移除 Don't understand why Mr. Shizhao COMPLETELY remove my contribution.
[編輯]Hello, Mr. Shizhao:
My name is Qin Yongnian, I am the eldest brothe of Qin Yongmin. I live in Canada for 25 years already.
Could you let me know, what are the reasons that my contribution to 秦永敏 were COMPLETELY removed by you? Why COMPLETELY destroy my work? I can't understand it.
I know I am new to Wiki and I am quite novice to edit it. So, if I made some mistake, please tell me and correct me. Did I do something that is improperly? Please let me know. We can discuss, and when I learn my mistake I will definitely correct it.
But, please notice, your action to COMPLETELY remove my work IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Qin Yongnian —以上未簽名的留言由Yongnian Qin(對話|貢獻)於 2013年2月4日 (一) 19:28 (UTC)加入。
- 請不要無故刪除參考文獻,另請正確使用文獻格式--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2013年2月5日 (二) 01:15 (UTC)