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自戰爭開始,衣索比亞政府就切斷了提格雷地區的對外交流。[1] 同時,戰爭和蝗災導致地區收成受損。因為收成短缺以及無法進口食品,提格雷地區目前正在經歷大規模的饑荒。截至2021年5月,提格雷有550萬人面臨嚴重的糧食短缺,超過35,0000人經歷災難性饑荒。[2][3]這是自2011年索馬利亞饑荒以來全世界最嚴重的一場饑荒。[3]











這張於 2006 年洩露的照片顯示了一座由裸體伊拉克囚犯堆成的金字塔。
  • 美方因未能對平民傷亡採取可行預防措施,導致許多伊拉克平民死於轟炸和飛彈襲擊。 [22]
  • 美軍虐待伊拉克戰俘事件:美國陸軍對關押在阿布格萊布的數千名伊拉克男女進行了酷刑和虐待, [23]包括強姦、雞姦、性虐待、水刑、向囚犯潑撒磷酸、剝奪睡眠和毆打。
  • 哈迪塞屠殺事件:美國士兵在哈迪塞殺害了了 24 名平民
  • 聯軍在費盧傑等戰役期間使用了燃燒白磷彈。紀錄片《費盧傑,隱秘的大屠殺》聲稱許多伊拉克平民,包括婦女和兒童,都在死於白磷燒傷。而對平民使用白磷是明確違反國際法的。美國國防部發言人巴里·維納布爾中校否認對平民使用白磷彈,但向BBC證實了對敵方軍隊白磷彈的使用。 [24] [25] [26]國際立法禁止。 [27]
  • 聯軍方發射了至少 300,000 發放射性貧鈾彈[28] 2012年的幾項研究表明,聯軍使用過貧鈾彈的地區的人和其他地區的人相比有更多的畸形、癌症和其他嚴重健康問題。一些伊拉克醫生將這些畸形歸因於貧化鈾的長期影響。但關於貧鈾彈藥是否對健康有有害健康影響在學術界依舊存在分歧。 [29] [30]
  • 伊拉克馬赫穆迪亞美軍姦殺事件:五位美國士兵強姦並殺害了14 歲的伊拉克少女阿貝爾-賈納比。之後又繼續殺害了她的母親、父親和妹妹。 [31] [32]
  • 穆卡拉迪布婚禮派對大屠殺[33]:據稱有 42 名平民在聯軍空襲中喪生。
  • 三名美國海軍陸戰隊強迫平民持槍,然後把他們當作戰鬥人員殺害。 [34] [35]《國家報》報道,美軍士兵還目睹了許多其他類似行為。 [36]
  • 黑水巴格達槍擊案:美軍聘請的私人軍事公司黑水國際在巴格達殺害了17名伊拉克平民。
  • 公共利益律師和歐洲憲法與人權中心於2014年1月12日向國際刑事法院提交了關於英國軍隊毆打、電擊、模擬處決和性侵犯囚犯的指控。 [37]

[[Category:乌克兰战争]] [[Category:美国战争]] [[Category:英国战争]] [[Category:菲律宾战争]] [[Category:荷蘭戰爭]] [[Category:捷克战争]] [[Category:泰國參與的戰爭]] [[Category:西班牙战争]] [[Category:韓國戰爭]] [[Category:罗马尼亚战争]] [[Category:葡萄牙戰爭]] [[Category:波蘭戰爭]] [[Category:挪威戰爭]] [[Category:新西蘭戰爭]] [[Category:蒙古国战争]] [[Category:立陶宛战争]] [[Category:拉脱维亚战争]] [[Category:日本战争]] [[Category:意大利戰爭]] [[Category:伊拉克戰事]] [[Category:冰島戰爭]] [[Category:宏都拉斯戰爭]] [[Category:格鲁吉亚战争]] [[Category:爱沙尼亚战争]] [[Category:丹麥戰爭]] [[Category:保加利亞戰爭]] [[Category:阿塞拜疆战争]] [[Category:澳大利亚参与的战争]] [[Category:亚美尼亚战争]] [[Category:阿尔巴尼亚战争]] [[Category:代理人战争]] [[Category:伊拉克政治]] [[Category:伊拉克-美國關係]] [[Category:帝国主义]] [[Category:乔治·沃克·布什总统任期]] [[Category:2010年代伊拉克]] [[Category:2010年代冲突]] [[Category:2000年代伊拉克]] [[Category:2000年代衝突]] [[Category:第二次海湾战争]] [[Category:Webarchive模板wayback链接]] [[Category:页面同时使用了collapsible list的titlestyle的background和text-align]]

  1. ^ Magdalene Abraha. There’s a brutal conflict in Ethiopia. My family there ask: why does no one hear us?. the Guardian. 2021-11-17 [2022-03-05] (英語). 
  2. ^ 5.5 Million People in Tigray and Neighbouring Zones of Afar and Amhara Face High Levels of Acute Food Insecurity (PDF). Integrated Food Security Phase Classification. June 2021. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 350,000 people in famine conditions in Ethiopia's Tigray. Al Jazeera. 10 June 2021. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 After two months of war, Tigray faces starvation – Ethiopia's government appears to be blocking food deliveries to the region. The Economist. 23 January 2021 [11 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於22 January 2021). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Ethiopian Red Cross says 80 percent of Tigray cut off from aid. France 24. AFP. 10 February 2021 [10 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於10 February 2021). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: Rape as a weapon of war | DW | 26.02.2022, 德國之聲, [2022-03-05] (英國英語) 
  7. ^ Ethiopia: Troops and militia rape, abduct women and girls in Tigray conflict – new report. Amnesty International. 2021-08-10 [2022-03-05] (英語). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Ethiopia: “I don’t know if they realized I was a person”: Rape and sexual violence in the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia. Amnesty International. [2022-03-05] (英語). 
  9. ^ Boezio, Geraldine. United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, urges all parties to prohibit the use of sexual violence and cease hostilities in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict. [2022-03-05] (美國英語). 
  10. ^ Men forced to rape family members in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, says UN. The Irish Times. [2022-03-05] (英語). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Kassa, Lucy; Pujol-Mazzini, Anna. ‘We’re here to make you HIV positive’: Hundreds of women rush to Tigray hospitals as soldiers use rape as weapon of war. The Telegraph. 2021-03-27 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英國英語). 
  12. ^ Helen Hayes. Conflict in Tigray Region of Ethiopia. 英國議會. 
  13. ^ UNFPA Ethiopia Response to the Tigray Crisis - Situation report (PDF). UNFPA. 
  14. ^ Killings in Axum by Eritrea troops ‘may amount to war crimes’, 半島電視台, [2022-03-06] (英語) 
  15. ^ Walsh, Declan. Ethiopia’s War Leads to Ethnic Cleansing in Tigray Region, U.S. Report Says. The New York Times. 2021-02-26 [2022-03-06]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美國英語). 
  16. ^ 'Leave no Tigrayan': In Ethiopia, an ethnicity is erased. AP NEWS. 2021-04-26 [2022-03-06] (英語). 
  17. ^ CNN, Jennifer Hansler. Blinken: Acts of 'ethnic cleansing' committed in Western Tigray. CNN. [2022-03-06]. 
  18. ^ Timestreams. genocidewatch. [2022-03-06] (英語). 
  19. ^ EU envoy: Ethiopian leadership vowed to 'wipe out' Tigrayans. AP NEWS. 2021-06-18 [2022-03-06] (英語). 
  20. ^ Ethiopian leaders said they would ‘wipe out’ Tigrayans: EU envoy. www.aljazeera.com. [2022-03-06] (英語). 
  21. ^ Ethiopia rejects U.S. allegations of ethnic cleansing in Tigray. Reuters. 2021-03-13 [2022-03-06] (英語). 
  22. ^ Off Target: The Conduct of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq. Human Rights Watch. [21 October 2015]. 
  23. ^ Hersh, Seymour M. Chain of Command. The New Yorker. 17 May 2004 [13 September 2011]. NBC News later quoted U.S. military officials as saying that the unreleased photographs showed American soldiers "severely beating an Iraqi prisoner nearly to death, having sex with a female Iraqi prisoner, and 'acting inappropriately with a dead body.' The officials said there also was a videotape, apparently shot by U.S. personnel, showing Iraqi guards raping young boys." 
  24. ^ US forces used 'chemical weapon' in Iraq. The Independent. 16 November 2005 [26 December 2020] (英語). 
  25. ^ Wilson, Jamie. US admits using white phosphorus in Falluja. The Guardian. 16 November 2005 [23 April 2020]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英國英語). 
  26. ^ White phosphorus use by US-led coalition forces in Iraq condemned by humanitarian groups. The Independent. 14 June 2017 [23 April 2020] (英語). 
  27. ^ EST, Tareq Haddad On 11/4/19 at 7:17 AM. White phosphorus melts children's flesh but no government wants to investigate—and the U.S. keeps using it, too. Newsweek. 4 November 2019 [23 April 2020] (英語). 
  28. ^ US fired depleted uranium at civilian areas in 2003 Iraq war, report finds. the Guardian. 19 June 2014 [23 April 2020] (英語). 
  29. ^ Caputi, Ross. The victims of Fallujah's health crisis are stifled by western silence. The Guardian. 25 October 2012 [26 December 2020]. 
  30. ^ Fathi, R. A.; Matti, L. Y.; Al-Salih, H. S.; Godbold, D. Environmental pollution by depleted uranium in Iraq with special reference to Mosul and possible effects on cancer and birth defect rates. Medicine, Conflict and Survival. 2013, 29 (1): 7–25. PMID 23729095. doi:10.1080/13623699.2013.765173. 
  31. ^ Amnesty International Report 2007, the state of the world's human rights. New York, NY: Amnesty International USA. 2007: 143. ISBN 978-1-887204-46-0. 
  32. ^ Iraq rape soldier jailed for life. BBC News. 16 November 2006 [10 September 2008]. 
  33. ^ Neil Mackay. Iraq: The Wedding Party Massacre. Sunday Herald. 14 March 2004. (原始內容存檔於7 January 2009). 
  34. ^ 2 GIs charged with murder of Iraqis – International Herald Tribune. International Herald Tribune. [10 September 2008]. (原始內容存檔於18 September 2008). 
  35. ^ Multi-National Force – Iraq – Additional Soldier charged with murder. Mnf-iraq.com. [10 September 2008]. (原始內容存檔於16 August 2007). 
  36. ^ Chris Hedges. The Other War: Iraq Vets Bear Witness. The Nation. [10 September 2008]. 
  37. ^ Owen, Jonathan. Exclusive: Devastating dossier on 'abuse' by UK forces in Iraq goes to International Criminal Court. The Independent (London). 12 January 2014.