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成立時間1943年4月28日 (1943-04-28)
創始人艾萨克·施奈尔索恩英语Isaac Schneersohn
  • 17 Rue Geoffroy l'Asnier, 75004 Paris

当代犹太文献中心(Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation)由艾萨克·施奈尔索恩英语Isaac Schneersohn在1943年创立,旨在为后世保留纳粹在二战期间的罪证。该中心原坐落于法国格勒诺布尔,后因“自由法国”运动又迁至巴黎,存在至今。[1][2]




纳粹在二战期间制定了一项应急措施:如果《最终解决方案》计划失败,将摧毁所有方案相关的所有记录。[5]海因里希·希姆莱在对一位党卫队官员陈述中说到,《最终解决方案》将是“一个永远不会被人记载的辉煌篇章。” [6]





在战争结束之前,艾萨克·施奈尔索恩英语Isaac Schneersohn认为世界需要一个能记录犹太人被迫害的整个过程的资料中心,因此在他位于格勒诺布尔的比扎内的地盘上召集了40位来自犹太组织的代表,并将当时作为意大利殖民地的法国比扎内设为文献中心。[8]如果此事在战争结束前暴露,死刑是无法避免的,而事实上,有一小部分参与者在法国解放前因此事牺牲。[9] 在1994年晚期,文献中心转移到了法国巴黎,并重命名为当代犹太文献中心(Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation)。[8][9]


由于多重原因,当代犹太文献中心早期的努力只获得了有限的回报。其一,为了保证记录的真实性,许多参与记录者虽亲身经历了大屠杀,但并没有经过职业教育,因此其非专业的记录方法经常被历史专家所排斥;其二,由于早期史料编纂都会倾向于记录行凶者的种种恶行,而忽视了受害者的经历,所以与其说是记录“历史”倒不如说是追溯“回忆”;其三,中心早期集中发行基础资源和幸存者证词,但忽略了对学术界吸引更大的事件分析与解释;其四,施尼尔森想要当代犹太文献中心成为犹太大屠杀在世界上唯一的资料库——如在1951年时,由于波力可夫擅自在该中心以外的地方发表了一篇文献,其内部随后便发生了激烈的争执。然而,早期收集的基础资料为后来犹太大屠杀的史料编纂打下了根基,之后的纽伦堡审判(The Nuremberg trials)使它首次登上了世界的舞台。[11]






20世纪40年代,当代犹太文献中心出版的早期刊物不甚流行。由于曝光率有限,财务回报微乎其微。泊里雅科夫在1951年出版的新书《收获仇恨》(Bréviaire de la haine),作为第一本介绍种族屠杀的著作,第一次开始获得了更广泛的读者群。这本著作也开始改变了人们对于犹太人大屠杀真实性怀疑的态度。然而,当代犹太文献出版的书籍刊物仍然没有很大的影响力。[12] [13][2]



在犹太文献建立的初期,大多数文献都来自纳粹德国的档案。法国及德国境内的种族迫害和屠杀最早可以追溯到1894年的德雷福斯事件,并在维希法国和纳粹德国时期愈演愈烈。然而,这个“法国人对犹太人大屠杀也有罪”的论调却与当时法国的公众情绪背道而驰。法国人乃至整个世界普遍认为德国人应对所有的种族迫害负责,而法国人仅仅是无辜的受害者。维希法国被法国人认为是一种极大的耻辱;因此,法国社会逃避关于维希法国的讨论以避免戳伤旧伤。[2] 由于当时的法国社会和公众情绪对于法国有罪论的抵触情绪,当代犹太文献中心几乎以地下方式运作。波利亚科夫在他的回忆录中称,即使他只是简单地在作品中陈述“种族灭绝”这个词,也被认为当时的法国政府判定为“不适合出版”。[14]



当代犹太文献中心于1945年开始出版期刊,期间多次更换期刊名。期刊从1945年4月到1946年1月名为《当代犹太文献中心公报》(Bulletin du Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine),共印刷8期,却没有公开出售。1945年9月,施尼尔森向法国新闻部长申请许可,将期刊更名为《当代犹太文献中心期刊》 (Revue du Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine) 并再次印刷出版。1946年7月,《世界报》更名为《犹太世界》(Le Monde Juif, Jewish World),每月出版24页,约有1500名订户。《犹太世界》于1995年更名为《关于犹太人大屠杀的历史杂志-犹太世界”》(“Revue d'Histoire de la Shoah – Le Monde Juif”, Journal of the History of the Shoah–Jewish World),又于2005年更名为《屠杀浩劫》(la Shoah de la Shoah)。[15]













克劳斯·巴比是盖世太保的一名成员,因为曾在法国里昂对包括男性、女性和儿童在内的法国囚犯实施过虐待而被称为“里昂屠夫”。 他负责逮捕法国抵抗运动成员让·莫林,并下达了将伊齐厄孤儿院的儿童驱逐出境的命令。他因1942年至1944年在里昂犯下的罪行而被通缉。


当代犹太文献中心向法国法院提供了一份有关巴比驱逐儿童出伊齐厄的关键文件的副本,因此巴比被判终身监禁,并于1991年在狱中自然死亡。[1][2] [17][18]









自第一次世界大战以来,法国就存在着纪念无名士兵的传统。为了让人们记住这些烈士,施奈尔森在当代犹太文献中心增加了一座纪念墓;该纪念墓于1956年10月落成。无名犹太烈士纪念馆(Mémorial du martyr juif inconnu)也由当代犹太文献中心资助建成。这个纪念馆是纪念法国犹太人大屠杀的重要场所。[1][1][9]

2005年,当代犹太文献中心和未知犹太烈士纪念馆合并,更名为犹太人大屠杀纪念馆(Mémorialde la Shoah)。该馆于2005年1月27日开放。[1]







  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The History of the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation (CDJC). [2016-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-17). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Bensoussan, Georges. David Bankier; Dan Mikhman , 编. Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements. Berghahn Books: 245–254. 2008 [2015-03-15]. ISBN 9789653083264. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Robert Rozett; Shmuel Spector (编). Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Routledge. 2013-11-26 [2015-03-15]. 
  4. ^ Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation. Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture Online. [2019-07-06]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Klarsfeld, Serge. French Children of the Holocaust: A Memorial. New York: New York University Press. 1996. ISBN 9780814726624. LCCN 96031206. OCLC 35029709. p. xiii
  6. ^ Office of the United States Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality (编). Partial Translation Of Document 1919-PS Speech of the Reichsfuehrer—SS at the Meeting of SS Major-Generals at Posen, October 4th, 1943. International Military Trials - Nurnberg - Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV (PDF) 4. Washington D.C.: US Government Printing Office. 1946: 563–564 [2015-04-02]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-11-04). I also want to talk to you, quite frankly, on a very grave matter. Among ourselves it should be mentioned quite frankly, and yet we will never speak of it publicly. … I mean the clearing out of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish race. … Most of you must know what it means when 100 corpses are lying side by side, or 500 or 1,000…. This is a page of glory in our history which has never been written and is never to be written… 
  7. ^ Bankier, David.; Mikhman, Dan. Holocaust historiography in context : emergence, challenges, polemics and achievements. New York: Berghahn Books https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/301705978. 2009. ISBN 9789653083264. OCLC 301705978.  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Jockusch, Laura. Collect and Record! Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar Europe. Oxford University Press. 2012-10-11. ISBN 9780199764556. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199764556.001.0001.  as quoted in Jockusch, Laura. Khurbn Forshung (destruction research)– Jewish Historical Commissions in Europe, 1943-1949. academia.edu. [2015-03-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-18). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Mazor, Michel; Weinberg, David, Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC), Berenbaum, Michael; Skolnik, Fred (编), Encyclopedia Judaica, Gale Virtual Reference Library 4 2, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA: 547, 2007 [2019-12-15], (原始内容存档于2018-06-29) 
  10. ^ Poznanski, Renée. La création du centre de documentation juive contemporaine en France (avril 1943) [Creation of the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation in France (April 1943)]. Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire (Presses de Sciences Po.). 1999, 63 (63-1): 51–63 [First published 1943] [2015-03-16]. ISSN 1950-6678. doi:10.3917/ving.069.0161. (原始内容存档于2010-07-17) (法语). 
  11. ^ How cancer has changed me. “They Never Want to Tell You”. Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674188150. 
  12. ^ Poliakov, Léon. Bréviaire de la haine: Le IIIe Reich et les Juifs [Harvest of Hate: the 3rd Reich and the Jews]. Liberté de l'esprit. Calmann-Lévy. 1951. ISBN 9782702151747. OCLC 10176060. 
  13. ^ Arendt, Hannah. Breviaire de la Haine: Le IIIe Reich et les Juifs, by Léon Poliakov [Harvest of Hate: The Third Reich and the Jews, by Léon Poliakov]. commentarymagazine.com. Calmann-Lévy. 1952-03-01 [2015-03-16]. ISSN 0010-2601. OCLC 488561243. (原始内容存档于2012-01-15). Léon Poliakov's excellent book on the Third Reich and the Jews is the first to describe the last phases of the Nazi regime on the basis, strictly, of primary source material. This consists chiefly of documents presented at the Nuremberg Trials and published in several volumes by the American government under the title Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, These volumes contain, in addition to captured Nazi archives, a considerable number of sworn reports and affidavits by former Nazi officials. Mr. Poliakov, with a reasoned obstinacy, tells the story as the documents themselves unfold it, thus avoiding the prejudices and preconceived judgments that mar almost all the other published accounts. 
  14. ^ Poliakov, Léon. L'Auberge des musiciens [Musicians Inn]. Paris: Mazarine. 1981: 178. ISBN 9782863740729. OCLC 461714504 (法语).  as cited in p247 of Bensoussan, Georges. David Bankier; Dan Mikhman , 编. Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements. Berghahn Books: 245–254. 2008 [2015-03-15]. ISBN 9789653083264. 
  15. ^ Centre De Documentation Juive Contemporaine; Afoumado, Diane. 1946-2006: 60 ans dans l'histoire d'une revue [1946-2006: 60 Years In the History of a Journal] (PDF). Revue D'histoire De La Shoah (Paris: Memorial De La Shoah). 2006, (185 (July–December 2006)): 485–518 [May 2, 2015]. ISSN 1281-1505. OCLC 492951152. (原始内容存档于October 19, 2007) (法语). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 The Eichmann Show: New BBC film tells story behind trial's broadcast. Haaretz.com. Amos Schocken. 2015-01-21 [2015-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-21). [G]roundbreaking American film producer Milton Fruchtman... was given the job of televising the so-called "Trial of the Century" in Jerusalem in 1961. The broadcasts lasted for over four months and were shown in 56 countries. ... [The] televised trial "became the world's first ever documentary series, and in the process changed the way people saw the Second World War," Laurence Bowen, the films's producer, told BBC. "It was the first time many people had ever heard the story of the Holocaust from the mouths of the victims. So it had a huge impact historically, but it also was a huge event in terms of television." ... [Fruchtmann] said, "In the end every German television station showed segments of the trial each evening. Children who had not learned about the Nazis in school heard about the war for the first time." 
  17. ^ Lives in the Law, http://www.press.umich.edu/175524页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, and Martha Umphrey, editors, U. Michigan Press, ISBN 978-0-472-03161-0, p215-232 France and Trials for Crimes Against Humanity by Annette Wieviorka
  18. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang. Klaus Barbie, 77, Lyons Gestapo Chief. The New York Times. 1991-09-26 [2015-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-08). Klaus Barbie died a prisoner yesterday in Lyons, the French city where he led a reign of terror as the local Gestapo chief during World War II. The last surviving German war criminal of rank to be tried by a tribunal of justice, he was 77 years old and had been in poor health for years. 
  19. ^ Paxton, Robert O. Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940-1944. Knopf. 1972. OCLC 247184. 
  20. ^ Hansen, Andrew. The French-American Foundation Weekly Brief. French Today. 2009-04-10 [18 September 2013]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-12). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 The Shoah Memorial in Drancy. [2015-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-28). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Inauguration du Mémorial de la Shoah à Drancy [Inauguration of the Drancy Shoah Memorial]. FondationShoah.org. Fondation pour la Memoire de la Shoah. 2012 [2015-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-18). Ven. 21 sept. 2012 -Le Président de la République, François Hollande, a inauguré le Mémorial de la Shoah à Drancy, un nouveau lieu d'histoire et d'éducation situé face à la Cité de la Muette.