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扎赫里龙属名:"Zahrisaurus")是蛇颈龙目的一个已灭绝,来自晚侏罗世巴基斯坦[1][2]该属由穆罕默德·萨迪克·马尔卡尼(Muhammod Sadiq Malkani)于2019年首次命名,模式种基尔穆拉扎赫里龙("Zahrisaurus kilmoolai")。属名取自分布于化石发现地一带的扎赫里部落(Zahri tribe)及希腊语saurus(蜥蜴)。种名分别取自发现化石的基尔地区(Kil Locality)及流经此地的穆拉河(Moola River)。正模标本GSP/MSM-99-K由破碎的颅后骨骼组成,发现于俾路支省胡兹达尔镇穆拉河地区的乔托克地(Chotok locality),所属层段可能为晚侏罗世苏莱曼群(Sulaiman Group)的契尔坦石灰岩组(Chiltan Limestone),现保存于奎达市的巴基斯坦地质调查局博物馆(Museum of Geological Survey of Pakistan)。[1][3]由于已知材料过于零碎,因此该属一般被视为疑名;且论文发表于掠夺性期刊上导致有效性存疑,故可能也是一个裸名




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Malkani, M. S. Recently Discovered Basilosaurid, Baluchithere Rhinoceros, Horses, Sea Cow, Proboscidean, Eucrocodile, Pterosaurs, Plesiosaur, Fishes, Invertebrates and Wood Fossils, Tracks and Trackways of Dinosaurs from Pakistan; Comparison of Recognized Four Titanosaur Taxa of Indo-Pakistan with Madagascar. Open Journal of Geology. 2019, 9 (12): 919–955. Bibcode:2019OJGeo...9..919M. doi:10.4236/ojg.2019.912098. 
  2. ^ Malkani, M. S. Updated Stratigraphy and Mineral Potential of Sulaiman (Middle Indus) Basin, Pakistan. Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series). 2010, 42 (39-66). 
  3. ^ Malkani, M. S. Formal Description of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Biotas Found from Pakistan. Open Journal of Geology. 2021, 11 (9): 411–455. Bibcode:2021OJGeo..11..411M. doi:10.4236/ojg.2021.119023.