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Tettigarcta crinita specimen in the Australian Museum
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 半翅目 Hemiptera
亚目: 頸喙亞目 Auchenorrhyncha
下目: 蝉下目 Cicadomorpha
总科: 蝉总科 Cicadoidea
科: 螽蝉科 Tettigarctidae
Distant, 1905
White, 1845
Paratettigarcta zealandica, fore and hindwing
Sanmai kongi from the upper Middle–lower Upper Jurassic Daohugou beds, China


本科的模式属螽蝉属Tettigarcta),也是本科唯一存有現生種,其下有两個现存物种,一种是澳大利亚南部的T. crinita,一种是塔斯马尼亚岛T. tomentosa。除了螽蝉属外,螽蝉科还包含20多个已灭绝、僅包含化石物種的属,化石类群包括来自新西兰中新世的Paratettigarcta[3]法国古新世的Meuniera[4] 中国晚侏罗世的Sanmai[5]加拿大晚白垩世早期的Maculaferrum等。[6]



螽蝉科下只有一个属存活至今: 螽蝉属Tettigarcta)。[7][8]



亚科 Cicadoprosbolinae Evans, 1956

  • Maculaprosbole Zheng et al. 2016 - 中国道虎沟,164.7-155.7 Ma
  • 族 Turutanoviini Scherbakov, 2008
    • Hirtaprosbole Liu et al. 2016 - 中国道虎沟,164.7 - 155.7 Ma
    • Sanmai (genus)|Sanmai Chen, Zhang & Wang B 2016 - 中国道虎沟,164.7 - 155.7 Ma
    • Shuraboprosbole Becker-Migdisova 1949 (syn- Paraprosbole Whalley 1985 根据Chen et al 2016) 中国道虎沟,吉尔吉斯斯坦Sagul Formation, 英国Charmouth Mudstone Formation, 189.6 - 155.7 Ma
    • Tianyuprosbole Chen, Wang, Zhang & Wang, 2014 - 中国道虎沟,164.7 to 155.7 Ma
    • Turutanovia Becker-Migdisova 1949 - Karabastau Formation, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, 164.7 - 112.6 Ma
  • 族 Cicadoprosbolini Evans, 1956
    • Diphtheropsis Martynov 1937 - 吉尔吉斯斯坦Dzhil Formation, 塔吉克斯坦Sulyukta Formation, 189.6 - 183.0 Ma
    • Cicadoprosbole Becker-Migdisova 1947 - 吉尔吉斯斯坦Dzhil Formation, 201.6 - 189.6 Ma
    • Macrotettigarcta Chen and Wang 2016 - 中国道虎沟,164.7 - 155.7 Ma
    • Elkinda Shcherbakov 1988 - 俄罗斯Turga Formation, 125.45 - 122.46 Ma
    • Shaanxiarcta Shcherbakov 2008 - 中国Fengjiashan Formation, 136.4 - 125.45 Ma
    • Hylaeoneura Lameere and Severin 1897 - 比利时Sainte-Barbe Clays Formation, Belgium, 130.0 - 122.46 Ma
    • Vetuprosbole Fu, Cai and Huang, 2019 缅甸Burmese amber, 99 Ma
    • †"Liassocicada" ignota Brodie 1845, 英国Lilstock Formation, 205.6 - 201.6 Ma
  • 族 Architettigini Scherbakov, 2008

螽蝉亚科 Tettigarctinae Distant, 1905

  • Cretotettigarcta Fu, Cai and Huang, 2019 缅甸Burmese amber, 99 Ma
    • Cretotettigarcta burmensis Fu, Cai & Huang, 2018
    • Cretotettigarcta shcherbakovi Jiang, Szwedo, Labandeira, Chen, Moulds, Mähler, Muscente, Zhuo, Nyunt, Zhang, Wei, Rust & Wang, 2024[9]
  • 族 Protabanini Hong, 1982
    • Eotettigarcta Zeuner 1944 - 英国马尔岛Ardtun Head, 58.7 - 55.8 Ma
    • Liassocicada Bode 1953 - 德国Posidonia Shale, 183.0 - 182.0 Ma
    • Magrebarcta Shcherbakov 2008 - Douiret Formation, Tunisia, 125.45 至 112.6 Ma
    • Protabanus Hong 1982 - 中国九龙山组, 164.7 至 155.7 Ma
    • Sunotettigarcta Hong 1983 - 中国九龙山组道虎沟, 哈萨克斯坦Karabastau组, 164.7 至 155.7 Ma
    • Tettagalma Menon 2005 - 巴西Crato Formation, 122.46 至 112.6 Ma
    • Maculaferrum Demers-Potvin et al 2020 - 加拿大Redmond Formation, 99.7至94.3 Ma
  • 族 Meunierini Boulard et Nel, 1990
    • Kisylia Martynov 1937 - 吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyzyl-Kiya, 189.6 至 183.0 Ma
    • Meuniera Piton 1936 - Menat Formation, 法国, 58.7 to 55.8 Ma
  • 螽蝉族 Tettigarctini Distant, 1905
    • Paratettigarcta Kaulfuss & Moulds 2015 - 新西兰Hindon Maar,23.03 至 15.97 Ma
    • 螽蝉属 Tettigarcta White, 1845 - 澳大利亚,现生屬


  1. ^ Marshall, David C.; Moulds, Max; Hill, Kathy B. R.; Price, Benjamin W.; et al. A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification. Zootaxa. 2018, 4424 (1): 1–64. PMID 30313477. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4424.1.1可免费查阅. 
  2. ^ Cryan, JR; Urban, JM. Higher-level phylogeny of the insect order Hemiptera: is Auchenorrhyncha really paraphyletic?. Systematic Entomology. 2011, 37 (1): 7–21. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.2011.00611.x. 
  3. ^ Kaulfuss, Uwe; Moulds, Max. A new genus and species of tettigarctid cicada from the early Miocene of New Zealand: Paratettigarcta zealandica (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Tettigarctidae). ZooKeys. 2015, (484): 83–94. PMC 4361785可免费查阅. PMID 25829843. doi:10.3897/zookeys.484.8883. 
  4. ^ Piton, L., 1936a. Les Hémiptères-Homoptères de l'Écène de Menat. (P.-de-D.). Miscellaneous Entomologica. Revue entomologique internationale. Narbonne. 37: 93-94.
  5. ^ Chen, Jun; Zhang, Haichun; Wang, Bo; Zheng, Yan; Wang, Xiaoli; Zheng, Xiaoting. New Jurassic tettigarctid cicadas from China with a novel example of disruptive coloration. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 2016, 61 (4): 853–862. doi:10.4202/app.00238.2015可免费查阅. 
  6. ^ Demers-Potvin, Alexandre & Szwedo, Jacek & Paragnani, Cassia & Larsson, Hans. (2020). First North American occurrence of hairy cicadas discovered in a Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) exposure from Labrador, Canada页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 65. 85-98. 10.4202/app.00669.2019.
  7. ^ Moulds, M.S. Cicada fossils (Cicadoidea: Tettigarctidae and Cicadidae) with a review of the named fossilised Cicadidae. Zootaxa. 2018, 4438 (3): 443–470. PMID 30313130. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4438.3.2可免费查阅. 
  8. ^ Behrensmeyer; Turner, A. Family Tettigarctidae Distant 1905 (hairy cicada). Fossilworks, Taxonomic occurrences of Suidae recorded in the Paleobiology Database. [2021-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-06). 
  9. ^ Hui Jiang, Jacek Szwedo, Conrad C. Labandeira, Jun Chen, Maxwell S. Moulds, Bastian Mähler, A. Drew Muscente, De Zhuo, Thet Tin Nyunt, Haichun Zhang, Cong Wei, Jes Rust and Bo Wang. 2024. Mesozoic Evolution of Cicadas and their Origins of Vocalization and Root Feeding. Nature Communications. 15, 376. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44446-x

