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可以移到月份嗎?(才不會和月球混在一起)。--Menchi 05:43 2003年11月5日 (UTC)

应该命名为,作为一个时间单位,这样更科学和严谨,月份在中文中比较口语化。另外《中国大百科全书》也使用月作为条目的名称--Shizhao 05:49 2003年11月5日 (UTC)

希望有人能够翻译英文的月的条目,他们的非常详细--Shizhao 06:04 2003年11月5日 (UTC)




既然公历只需要确保一年的长短接近回归年,那么月的长短与设几个月就显得很随意了了,比如设10个月,每月36或37天。为什么偏偏设12个月呢?--Whw 17:54 2005年12月8日 (UTC)

考虑到月亮的周期变化,否则为什么叫做月呢?当然不同的历法可能就有不同的划分,但是从精确程度来说,划分为12个月和朔望月比较接近。--用心阁(对话页) 19:00 2005年12月8日 (UTC)
月应该只是用农历中相应的词来翻译month而已,农历中的月的确与月相变化相关,但这与month无涉。如果month与moon在词源上有关联的话,上述一说似可成立。--Whw 19:17 2005年12月8日 (UTC)
网上看到的一段话“英文中的“月份”(month)和“星期一”(Monday) 也都来自于月亮(moon)这个词”。另外历法最初来自哪里?应该就来自于气候周期性变化和天象,因此天象中月亮的周期性变化就引起很大的关注。--用心阁(对话页)
根據英文版en:Month:(moon gives month in the same way that wide gives width and broad gives breadth)。但是拉丁文的月亮是luna,月是mensis(跟月經的拉丁文有關)。
The primitive calendar month of many early civilizations began on the day of the new moon ... Thus the original ‘months’ reckoned by the moon were superseded by a series of (usually) twelve periods each having a fixed number of days (generally 29, 30, or 31 ...); this artificial period retained the name of "month". ... The Roman republican calendar had years of 355, 377, 355, and 378 days in its four-year cycle, with 28 days in February and 29 or 31 days in the other months, and an extra (shorter) month every other year; this gave an average year length of 366.25 days. ...
... Twelve months of 30 and 29 days alternately make up the year (shorter than the solar year) in the various Muslim calendars, ... The same alternation of 30 and 29 days has also been adopted in the Jewish calendar, which is, however, lunisolar, and in its present form it is kept in step with the solar year by applying a certain rule for the intercalation of an extra month seven times every 19 years.
[Cognate with Old Frisian mōnath, Middle Dutch maent, mōnet (Dutch maand), Old Saxon mōnuth (Middle Low German mānt, maent, mand), Old High German mānōd, mānōth, mānōt (Middle High German mōnōt, mōnōt, mēnōt, mōnēt, German Monat), Old Icelandic mánu{edh}r, mána{edh}r, Old Swedish mana{th}er (Swedish månad), Danish måned, Gothic meno{th}s, and further with Sanskrit mās, month, (in compounds) moon, māsa month, Avestan māh moon, month, m{amacdotab}{ng}ha moon, month, ancient Greek μ{ghacu}νε moon, μ{ghacu}ν, (Ionic) μξ{giacu}{fsigma} month, classical Latin mēnsis month, Old Irish mí month (Irish mí), Welsh mis month, Armenian amis month, Old Church Slavonic m{ehacek}s{ehook}c{ibreve} moon, month, Lithuanian m{edotab}nuo month, (colloq.) moon, Latvian mēness moon, mēnesis month, Albanian muaj month, perh. < a different extended form of the Indo-European base of MEAL n.2 Cf. MOON n.1(特殊字母太多,我只改了一部份)
In the 16th and 17th centuries the spelling moneth was very common.
[Cognate with Old Frisian mōna, Middle Dutch māne, maen, mayn, mōne (Dutch maan), Old Saxon māno (Middle Low German mān, māne, mōne, mānt), Old High German māno (Middle High German māne, mān, māne, mōn, mānde, mānt, mōnde, mōnt, German Mond), Old Icelandic máni, Old Swedish mane (Swedish måne), Danish måne, Gothic mena, Crimean Gothic mine < a variant of the Germanic base of MONTH n.1 (with loss of final consonant and remodelling as n-stem).
所以month是從moon而來沒錯。 -- Toytoy 06:50 2005年12月9日 (UTC)

古罗马历最早一年只有十个月,后来才又增加了两个月,可能和地中海气候季节变化不明显有关。--方洪渐 02:14 2005年12月13日 (UTC)