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法齐·卡武齐(1890年1月—1977年6月5日)是一位生于黎巴嫩阿拉伯民族主义军事人物。1936年巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人大起义期间,英国方面镇压巴勒斯坦人起义,他在巴勒斯坦地区抵抗英国方面的镇压行动。 1937年,他逃离巴勒斯坦地区。他在第二次世界大战期间是德意志国防军的一名上校,第一次中东战争期间他又出任阿拉伯解放军的指挥官。







第一次世界大战期间,他担任奥斯曼帝国摩苏尔的一个军团的上尉 ,而且参加过贝尔谢巴战役。他的作战表现受到奥斯曼帝国当局肯定并被授予勋章。 他还被授予德国十字勋章[3] 法齐·卡武齐曾潜入英国防线后方,并将战报透露给奥托·冯·桑德斯



第一次世界大战后,奥斯曼帝国崩溃。法齐·卡武齐支持阿拉伯叙利亚王国独立。 1920 年,他跟随费萨尔一世的军队参加麦塞隆战役

阿拉伯叙利亚王国覆灭后,叙利亚成为法属叙利亚及黎巴嫩托管地的一部分。随后,法齐·卡武齐加入了由法国当局创建的叙利亚军团英语Army of the Levant。 法齐·卡武齐加还来到圣西尔军校学习。 后来他成为驻扎在哈马的一个骑兵中队的指挥官。

叙利亚起义期间,他从法国陆军逃脱并且加入反法阵营,并于1925年10月初参与哈马起义英语1925 Hama uprising。此后,法齐·卡武齐一直被法国当局通缉。





伊拉克与英国军队作战时身负重伤后,法齐·卡武齐来到维希法国控制下的叙利亚,随后又前往纳粹德国。 第二次世界大战时间他一直留在德国养伤,并与一位名叫安妮莉丝·穆勒 (Anneliese Müller) 的德国女子结婚。






1947年,法齐·卡武齐经法国前往埃及,宣称“只要阿拉伯人民要求他再次拿起武器,他随时待命。” 8月,他表示,如果联合国大会第181号决议获得通过,“我们将不得不发动全面战争。我们将屠杀、摧毁一切阻碍我们前进的人,无论是英国人、美国人还是犹太人。”



法齐·卡武齐的部队主要驻扎在加利利纳布卢斯附近。 法齐·卡武齐打算“让巴勒斯坦不要被犹太复国主义祸害”,他的目标是“把所有犹太人赶入大海”。 [6]

1948年4月,法齐·卡武齐率领阿拉伯解放军进攻米什马尔哈埃梅克。 不过阿拉伯解放军未能占领该地。 [7]哈加纳帕拉玛赫发起反攻,阿拉伯解放军被击溃。



1948年10月,阿拉伯解放军依然控制加利利部分地区。 10月22日,阿拉伯解放军又进攻梅纳拉英语Manara, Israel。10月24日,以色列方面发动海勒姆行动, 占领整个上加利利地区。不久,阿拉伯解放军被彻底赶出加利利,法齐·卡武齐逃到黎巴嫩。 [8]



  1. ^ "Ruhmloses Zwischenspiel: Fawzi al-Qawuqji in Deutschland, 1941–1947", by Gerhard Höpp in Peter Heine, ed., Al-Rafidayn: Jahrbuch zu Geschichte und Kultur des modernen Iraq (Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 1995), (http://www.zmo.de/biblio/nachlass/hoepp/01_30_064.pdf 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期20 December 2019.) p. 1
  2. ^ Parsons, Laila. The Commander: Fawzi al-Qawuqji and the Fight for Arab Independence 1914-1948. New York: Hill and Wang. 2016: 3. ISBN 9780809067121. 
  3. ^ Höpp, 1995, p. 1.
  4. ^ Time, "'I Have Returned'"
  5. ^ Palestine, 1948: War, Escape and the Emergence of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, by Yoav Gelber, (Portland, OR: Sussex Academic Press; 2006), p. 46–48, 51–56. [缺少ISBN]
  6. ^ LaPierre, Dominique; Collins, Larry. O Jerusalem. Simon & Schuster. 1971. By Palestine standards, his men were relatively well armed. Communications and logistics, however, were primitive. Runners ran word-of-mouth commands or handwritten messages from post to post. The shortage of food and other essential items did not unduly concern Kaukji. He intended to let his army live off the plunder of conquered Jewish settlements. Nor did the fact that his medical supplies consisted of aspirin, bandages and laxatives worry him. He anticipated neither a long campaign nor serious casualties. "I have come to Palestine to stay and fight until Palestine is a free and united Arab country or until I am killed and buried here," he announced. His aim, he declared, borrowing the slogan that was becoming the leitmotiv of the Arab leadership, was "to drive all the Jews into the sea." "Everything is ready," he proclaimed. "The battle starts when I give the word." 
  7. ^ The War for Palestine, by Eugene L. Rogan and Avi Shlaim, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007), p. 111. [缺少ISBN]
  8. ^ Morris, 2008, pp. 330–339; see especially p. 339: "IDF Northern Front OC Moshe Carmel was later to write that al-Qawuqji's provocation had been like 'a match that ignited ... [the] fire ... in a dry, yellow field ... but the fire quickly rose ... [and] turned on him and he was unable to douse it. In truth ... Operation Hiram had been long in the planning.'"
  • Kessler, Oren (2023). Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 1538148803
  • Parsons, Laila (2016). The Commander: Fawzi al-Qawuqji and the Fight for Arab Independence, 1914–1948. Hill and Wang. ISBN 978-0-80906-712-1
  • Parsons, Laila. Soldiering for Arab Nationalism: Fawzi al-Qawuqji in Palestine. Journal of Palestine Studies. Summer 2007, 36 (4): 33–48. JSTOR 10.1525/jps.2007.36.4.33. doi:10.1525/jps.2007.36.4.33. 
  • Lyman, Robert. Iraq 1941: The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad. Campaign. Oxford, New York: Osprey Publishing. 2006: 96. ISBN 1-84176-991-6. 
  • Provence, Michael. The Great Syrian Revolt and the Rise of Arab Nationalism. University of Texas Press. 2005. ISBN 9780292706804. 
  • Nafi, Basheer M., Arabism, Islamism and the Palestine question, 1908–1941: a political history, Garnet and Ithaca Press, 1998, ISBN 0-86372-235-0 
  • Felmy, Gen. Hellmuth; Warlimont, Gen. Walter. Foreword by Generaloberst Franz Haider, Historical Div., HQ, U.S. Army, Europe. German Exploitation of Arab Nationalist Movements in World War II. 1952.