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  1. ^ Donald L Niewyk, The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Columbia University Press, 2000, p.45: "The Holocaust is commonly defined as the murder of more than 5,000,000 Jews by the Germans in World War II." Estimates by scholars range from 5.1 million to 6.2 million. See the appropriate section of the Holocaust article.



About Holocaust denial

  • Richard J. Evans, In Defense of History, New York: Norton, 1999.
  • Richard J. Evans, Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial, Basic Books, 2002 (ISBN 0-465-02153-0). As well as the story of the Irving case, this is an excellent case study on historical research.
  • Charles Gray, The Irving Judgment, Penguin, 2000 (ISBN 0-14-029899-1). Actual text of the judgment in the Irving case.
  • D.D.Guttenplan, The Holocaust on Trial, Norton 2002
  • Deborah Lipstadt, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, Plume (The Penguin Group), 1994. Debunking Holocaust revisionism.
  • Donald L. Niewyk, ed. "The Holocaust: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", D.C. Heath and Company, 1992.
  • Robert Jan van Pelt, The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial (ISBN 0-253-34016-0).
  • Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman, "Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?" University of California Press (ISBN 0-520-23469-3).
  • Michael Shermer, "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time", Freeman, New York 1997 (ISBN 0-8050-7089-3).
  • Michael Shermer, 「Holocaust Revisionism Update: David Cole Recants/David Irving Says Churchill Knew About Pearl Harbor.」 Skeptic 6, no. 1 (1998): 23–25
  • Mr. Death, a documentary by Errol Morris.
  • "Syrian Holocaust Denial"頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) by Mohammad Daoud, Syria Times September 6, 2000. Retrieved November 8, 2005.
  • "Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial in the Iranian Media" MEMRI Special Dispatch Series no 855, January 28, 2005. Retrieved November 8, 2005.
  • "Palestinian Holocaust Denial" Reuven Paz, Peacewatch April 21, 2000. Retrieved November 8, 2005.
  • Abbot A., "Holocaust Denial Research Disclaimed", Nature, 368, 1994
  • John C. Zimmerman, "Holocaust denial: demographics, testimonies, and ideologies" Lanham, Md., University Press of America, 2000.
  • John C. Zimmerman, 「Holocaust Denial.」 Los Angeles Times, January 16, 2000, M4
  • Jean Claude Pressac: "Les carences et incohérences du Rapport Leuchter" «Jour J., la lettre télégraphique juive», 12 Décembre 1988.
  • Jean Claude Pressac, "Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers", The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York 1989
  • Jean Claude Pressac "Les Crématoires d』Auschwitz: La Machinerie Du Meurtre De Masse", CNRS editions, Paris, 1993.
  • Pierre Vidal-Naquet, "Les assassins de la mémoire", Un Eichman de papier, Postface de Gisèle Sapiro, Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, La Découverte, Paris, 2005, ISBN 2-7071-4545-9.
  • Pierre Vidal-Naquet, "Qui sont les assassins de la mémoire?" in "Réflexions sur le génocide. Les juifs, la mémoire et le présent", tome III. La Découverte 1995.
  • Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, Wilhelm Lasek, "Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit. NS-Verbrechen und revisionistische Geschichtsschreibung". Wien, 1992.
  • George Wellers, "A propos du «Rapport Leuchter» et les chambres à gaz d』Auschwitz", "Le Monde Juif", 134, 1989.
  • Till Bastian, "Auschwitz und die «Auschwitz-Lüge»". Massenmord und Geschichtsfälschung", Beck’sche Reihe München, 1994.
  • Francesco Germinario, "Estranei alla democrazia. Negazionismo e antisemitismo nella destra radicale italiana" BFS Editore, Pisa, 2001.
  • Francesco Rotondi,"Luna di miele ad Auschwitz. Riflessioni sul negazionismo della Shoah", Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2005.
  • Flores M., Storia, Verità e Giustizia, Mondadori, Milano, 2001.
  • Valentina Pisanty, "L』irritante questione delle camere a gas. Logica del negazionismo", Bompiani, Milano, 1998.
  • Ted Gottfried, "Deniers of the Holocaust: Who They Are, What They Do, Why They Do It", Brookfield Conn Twenty-First Century Books, 2001.
  • Henry Rousso, "Le dossier Lyon III: le rapport sur le racisme et le négationnisme à l』université Jean-Moulin", Paris, 2004.
  • Nadine Fresco "Les redresseurs de morts. Chambres à gaz: la bonne nouvelle. Comment on révise l'histoire", "Les Temps Modernes", 407, Juin 1980.
  • Nadine Fresco, "The Denial of the Dead On the Faurisson Affair" 1981.
  • Georges Bensoussan "Négationnisme et antisionnisme: récurrences et convergences des discours du rejet", "Revue d'histoire de la Shoah", 166, mai-août 1999. Centre de documentation juive contemporaine 1999.
  • Valérie Igounet, "Dossier «Les terroirs de l'extrême-droite»: Un négationnisme stratégique",Le Monde diplomatique (Mai 1998).
  • Valérie Igounet, "Histoire du négationnisme en France", Paris, Le Seuil, 2000
  • Pierre Bridonneau, "Oui, il faut parler des négationnistes", Éditions du Cerf 1997.
  • Yehuda Bauer 「A Past that Will Not Go Away.」 In The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined. Ed. Michael Berenbaum and Abraham J. Peck. Bloomington: Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum by Indiana University Press, 1998, pp. 12–22.
  • Alan L. Berger, 「Holocaust Denial: Tempest in a Teapot, or Storm on the Horizon?」 In Peace, in Deed: Essays in Honor of Harry James Cargas. Ed. Zev Garber and Richard Libowitz. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998, pp. 31–45.
  • Joseph Dan, 「Four Ways of Holocaust Denial.」 In Bruch und Kontinuität: Jüdisches Denken in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. Ed. Eveline Goodman-Thau and Michael Daxner. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1995, pp. 39–46.
  • Patrick Finney 「Ethics, Historical Relativism and Holocaust Denial.」 Rethinking History 2 (1998), pp. 359–369.
  • Jan Markiewicz, WOJCIECH Gubala, JERZY Labedz, "A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content in the Walls of the Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz & Birkenau Concentration Camps", Z Zagadnien Sqdowych, XXX, 1994.
  • Wayne Klein, 「Truth’s Turning: History and the Holocaust.」 In Postmodernism and the Holocaust. Ed. Alan Milchman and Alan Rosenberg. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1998, pp. 53–83.
  • Jonathan Petropoulos, 「Holocaust Denial: A Generational Typology.」 In Lessons and Legacies III: Memory, Memorialization, and Denial. Ed. Peter Hayes. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999.
  • Werner Wegner: "Keine Massenvergasungen in Auschwitz? Zur Kritik des Leuchter-Gutachtens", in: Die Schatten der Vergangenheit. Impulse zur Historisierung der Vergangenheit, hg. v. Uwe Backes, Eckhard Jesse und Rainer Zitelmann, Propyläen Verlag, Berlin 1990, S. pp. 450–476 (ISBN 3-549-07407-7).
  • Jürgen Zarusky: "Leugnung des Holocaust. Die antisemitische Strategie nach Auschwitz. Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften Aktuell – Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt". Jahrestagung 9./10. Nov.1999, Marburg. Auch als Internet-Veröffentlichung (pdf-Dokument) erhältlich.
  • Martin Finkenberger/Horst Junginger (Hrsg.): "Im Dienste der Lügen. Herbert Grabert (1901–1978) und seine Verlage". Aschaffenburg: Alibri-Verl., 2004 (ISBN 3-932710-76-2).
  • Thomas Wandres: "Die Strafbarkeit des Auschwitz-Leugnens". Berlin 2000 (ISBN 3-428-10055-7).
  • Holocaust Denial Literature: A Bibliography. [December 8, 2008]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-20). 
  • Who Denies the Holocaust And Why Do They Deny It?. [February 9, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於2009-02-22). 

By Holocaust deniers
