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依赖性生理: 无
心理: 中等[2]
给药途径舌下 salla
  • (±)-1-(benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)-N-methylpropan-2-amine
CAS号42542-10-9  checkY
PubChem CID
CompTox Dashboard英语CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (EPA)
摩尔质量193.25 g/mol
  • CC(NC)CC1=CC=C(OCO2)C2=C1

亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺3,4-亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺,英语:3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine,简称MDMA),台湾常见的称呼还包括“摇头丸”、“快乐丸”、“衣服”(取 Ecstasy 第一个字母的发音)、“上面”(衣服是穿在上面的),在香港及南亚等地,这种药则被称为“Fing6(揈)头丸”、“快乐神”、“劲乐丸”、“狂喜”、“迪士高饼干”等;在其他地区,最常见的称谓是Molly、Ecstasy(忘我)、Adam(亚当)、Dollar、Fido、Bomb等。MDMA属于苯丙胺类兴奋剂,是一种精神药物,常用作娱乐性药物。预期效应有增加同理心欣快感,也会有感觉增强的效果[4][5][6]。若口服的话,药效会在30至45分钟后开始,且持续三至六个小时[7][8],有时会用吹药英语Insufflation (medicine)或是吸食的方式服药。2017年为止,还没有MDMA的适应症英语Indication (medicine)[9]

MDMA的不良反应包括上瘾、记忆问题、偏执失眠磨牙、视力模糊、流汗、心跳过速等症状[6],使用MDMA也可能会造成抑郁疲劳[6]。已有使用MDMA后因为体温过高及脱水而死亡的案例[6]。MDMA是血清素-去甲肾上腺素-多巴胺释放剂英语Serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine releasing agent(SNDRA),也是5-羟色胺、去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺再摄取抑制剂(SNDRI),对大脑中的神经递质血清素多巴胺去甲肾上腺素有释放作用,也有再摄取抑制的作用,是兴奋剂也是致幻效果[10][11]。摄取MDMA后,一开始会让神经递质的浓度上升,之后会有短期的浓度下降[6][8]。MDMA属于亚甲二氧基苯乙胺衍生物药物,也是安非他命类英语Substituted amphetamine药物。

MDMA在1912年首次制备[6],在1970年代是用在心理治疗的辅助使用,而在1980年代开始成为毒品[6][8][12]。MDMA常被认为和舞会锐舞电子舞曲有关[13],而且常混合麻黄碱安非他命甲基安非他命等一起贩售[6]。2014年在15至64岁的人当中,使用MDMA的人约有900万至2900万人人之间(占世界总人口的0.2%至0.6%)[14]。此一比例和使用古柯碱安非他命类英语Substituted amphetamine药物、鸦片类药物的比例相当,但比使用大麻的人数要少[14]。2010年全美国有90万人使用MDMA[6]。MDMA经常被用来制作摇头丸,也是摇头丸的主要成分之一。

MDMA在大部分国家都不是合法的药物[6][15],有时为了研究需求,允许有限度的使用[8],目前有研究在探讨小剂量的MDMA是否有助于治疗严重且难治的创伤后压力症候群(PTSD)[16]美国食品药品监督管理局在2016年3月允许MDMA的第3阶段临床试验英语Phases of clinical research,探讨其效果及安全性[17],并在2017年8月时将MDMA列为创伤后压力症候群的突破性治疗英语Breakthrough therapy药物[note 1][21][22]




在这期间,MDMA曾被拿来当成食欲抑制剂或是在战时给士兵的兴奋剂[来源请求],随后发现有严重副作用如上瘾、引发流血不止、高血压、心脏病及肌肉坏死等,医学界才弃用[来源请求],目前,可算没有一个正式的医学用途。美国陆军在1950年代中期曾经对摇头丸以及其他药物做了毒性测试。这项研究被叫做EA-1475(EA是Edgewood Arsenal的缩写)。直到1969年这项研究才被披露。亚历山大·舒尔金博士是第一位让亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺被大众知晓的人,他建议将亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺用在某些疗程上,并且把这个药物取名“窗口”。他发现亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺跟某些肉豆蔻植物内的成分类似,都有影响脑波的作用。心理治疗师广泛地使用亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺(尤其是在美国西岸)一直到80年代被列管才停止。








Synthesis of MDMA from piperonal
Synthesis of MDMA from piperonal



MDMA的生产一般仅使用相对较少的黄樟油巴西黄樟Ocotea cymbarum)的精油通常含有80%~94%的黄樟素,因此500ml的精油即能满足生产150g~340gMDMA的需求[28]





血清素是一种负责控制情绪及快乐的化学物质,许多人[谁?]相信亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺(MDMA)最主要的作用是把脑中的血清素反常地输送到突触间隙去。它同时也提升多巴胺以及甲肾上腺激素。这些作用主要归结于单胺类,SERT(5-羟色胺转运体)、DAT(多巴胺转运体)以及正肾上腺素转运体对亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺(MDMA)的反应[29]。MDMA的化学构型与血清素类似,故能通过SERT,进入serotoninergic neuron中抑制Vesicular monoamine transporter,干扰血清素包入突触小泡。接着,游离的血清素不再经由胞吐作用进入突触间隙,而是通过SERT直接进入[30]。多巴胺和正肾上腺素的机制与血清素类似,差异只在于MDMA和多巴胺及正肾上腺素的结构不似血清素相像。





一些实验表明,持续使用在非常大剂量也许导致5-羟色胺细胞对大脑造成损坏,可能是因为多巴胺被输入5-羟色胺细胞,再代谢成氢氧化物,造成对5-羟色胺细胞的内部的氧化作用的损伤。这个作用在被老鼠脑子里做了试验,当大量的摇头丸长期被注入体内(通常是人类的一到二倍),动物细胞的5-羟色胺变得凋枯和无用。 [来源请求]






  • 视听幻觉
  • 瞳孔扩张,以及对光的敏感性和颜色悟性的影响。
  • 快门视觉(眼颤
  • 味觉错乱


  • 手汗增加大量出汗
  • 心率频繁及不正常
  • 肌肉抽搐
  • 语言紊乱
  • 脱水
  • 频尿
  • 破坏GDNF(人体内的胶质细胞衍生营养因子)
  • 凝血障碍
  • 高血压
  • 心脏病
  • 紧张
  • 肌肉坏死
  • 精神失常
  • 情绪失控
  • 记忆减退
  • 抑制食欲
  • 丧失注意力及专注力
  • 疼痛
  • 磨牙抽筋
  • 肾衰竭
  • 上瘾
  • 神经系统永久损伤
  • 血液离子浓度失衡
  • 死亡


  1. ^ Stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens - Drugs, Pregnancy, and Lactation, Gerald G. Briggs, OB/GYN News, June 1, 2003.
  2. ^ 3,4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE. Hazardous Substances Data Bank. National Library of Medicine. 28 August 2008 [22 August 2014]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-04). /EPIDEMIOLOGY STUDIES/ /Investigators/ compared the prevalence of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual version IV (DSM-IV) mental disorders in 30 current and 29 former ecstasy users, 29 polydrug and 30 drug-naive controls. Groups were approximately matched by age, gender and level of education. The current ecstasy users reported a life-time dose of an average of 821 and the former ecstasy users of 768 ecstasy tablets. Ecstasy users did not significantly differ from controls in the prevalence of mental disorders, except those related to substance use. Substance-induced affective, anxiety and cognitive disorders occurred more frequently among ecstasy users than polydrug controls. The life-time prevalence of ecstasy dependence amounted to 73% in the ecstasy user groups. More than half of the former ecstasy users and nearly half of the current ecstasy users met the criteria of substance-induced cognitive disorders at the time of testing. Logistic regression analyses showed the estimated life-time doses of ecstasy to be predictive of cognitive disorders, both current and life-time. ... Cognitive disorders still present after over 5 months of ecstasy abstinence may well be functional consequences of serotonergic neurotoxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) [Thomasius R et al; Addiction 100(9):1310-9 (2005)] **PEER REVIEWED** PubMed Abstract 
  3. ^ Malenka RC, Nestler EJ, Hyman SE. Chapter 15: Reinforcement and Addictive Disorders. Sydor A, Brown RY (编). Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience 2nd. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. 2009: 375. ISBN 9780071481274. MDMA has been proven to produce lesions of serotonin neurons in animals and humans. .
  4. ^ Meyer, Jerry. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): current perspectives. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation. 2013-11: 83 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 1179-8467. PMC 3931692可免费查阅. PMID 24648791. doi:10.2147/SAR.S37258. (原始内容存档于2021-03-07) (英语). 
  5. ^ Greene, Shaun L; Kerr, Fergus; Braitberg, George. Review article: Amphetamines and related drugs of abuse. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2008-10, 20 (5): 391–402 [2022-03-05]. PMID 18973636. doi:10.1111/j.1742-6723.2008.01114.x. (原始内容存档于2022-03-22) (英语). 
  6. ^ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 Anderson, Leigh (编). MDMA. Drugs.com. Drugsite Trust. 18 May 2014 [30 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-23). 
  7. ^ Freye, Enno. Pharmacological Effects of MDMA in Man. Pharmacology and Abuse of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Ecstasy and Related Designer Drugs. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. 2009: 151–160. ISBN 978-90-481-2447-3. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-2448-0_24 (英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 DrugFacts: MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly). National Institute on Drug Abuse. February 2016 [30 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-23). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or 'Ecstasy'). EMCDDA. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [17 October 2014]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-01). 
  10. ^ Palmer, Robert B. Medical toxicology of drug abuse : synthesized chemicals and psychoactive plants. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. 2012: 139 [2018-01-05]. ISBN 9780471727606. (原始内容存档于2020-12-22). 
  11. ^ Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, [5 April 2016], (原始内容存档于2016年4月3日) 
  12. ^ Chakraborty, Kaustav; Neogi, Rajarshi; Basu, Debasish. Club drugs: review of the 'rave' with a note of concern for the Indian scenario. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2011-06, 133: 594–604 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 0971-5916. PMC 3135986可免费查阅. PMID 21727657. (原始内容存档于2022-04-01). 
  13. ^ World Health Organization. Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence. World Health Organization. 2004: 97– [2018-01-05]. ISBN 978-92-4-156235-5. (原始内容存档于2020-12-22). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Statistical tables. World Drug Report 2016 (pdf). Vienna, Austria. May 2016 [1 August 2016]. ISBN 978-92-1-057862-2. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-08-09). 
  15. ^ Patel, Vikram. Mental and neurological public health a global perspective 1st. San Diego, CA: Academic Press/Elsevier. 2010: 57 [2018-01-05]. ISBN 9780123815279. (原始内容存档于2020-09-15). 
  16. ^ Amoroso, Timothy; Workman, Michael. Treating posttraumatic stress disorder with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy: A preliminary meta-analysis and comparison to prolonged exposure therapy. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2016-07, 30 (7): 595–600 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 0269-8811. PMID 27118529. doi:10.1177/0269881116642542. (原始内容存档于2021-10-28) (英语). 
  17. ^ Philipps, Dave. F.D.A. Agrees to New Trials for Ecstasy as Relief for PTSD Patients. The New York Times. 2016-11-29 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2017-01-06) (美国英语). 
  18. ^ CBS proclaims ‘cancer breakthrough’ – doesn’t explain what FDA means by that term. HealthNewsReview.org. [2022-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-08) (美国英语). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Kepplinger, Erin E. FDA's Expedited Approval Mechanisms for New Drug Products. Biotechnology Law Report. 2015-02, 34 (1): 15–37 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 0730-031X. PMC 4326266可免费查阅. PMID 25713472. doi:10.1089/blr.2015.9999. (原始内容存档于2022-03-12) (英语). 
  20. ^ Research, Center for Drug Evaluation and. Fact Sheet: Breakthrough Therapies. FDA. 2019-02-09 [2022-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-27) (英语). A breakthrough therapy is a drug:
     · intended alone or in combination with one or more other drugs to treat a serious or life threatening disease or condition and
     · preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the drug may demonstrate substantial improvement over existing therapies on one or more clinically significant endpoints, such as substantial treatment effects observed early in clinical development.
  21. ^ Wan, William. Ecstasy could be ‘breakthrough’ therapy for soldiers, others suffering from PTSD. Washington Post. 26 August 2017 [29 August 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-29). 
  22. ^ 东邪黄药师. 美國認可快樂丸中MDMA具高度醫療潛力,可望撫平退伍軍人戰場創傷. The News Lens 关键评论网. 2017-09-27 [2022-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-22) (中文(台湾)). 
  23. ^ Mohan, J (编). World Drug Report 2014 (PDF). Vienna, Austria: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. June 2014: 2, 3, 123–152 [1 December 2014]. ISBN 978-92-1-056752-7. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-11-13). 
  24. ^ Milhazes, Nuno; Martins, Pedro; Uriarte, Eugenio; Garrido, Jorge; Calheiros, Rita; Marques, M. Paula M.; Borges, Fernanda. Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterisation of amphetamine-like drugs: Application to the screening of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its synthetic precursors. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2007-07, 596 (2): 231–241 [2022-03-05]. PMID 17631101. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2007.06.027. (原始内容存档于2022-04-22) (英语). 
  25. ^ Milhazes, Nuno; Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Martins, Pedro; Garrido, Jorge; Oliveira, Catarina; Cristina Rego; Borges, Fernanda. Synthesis and Cytotoxic Profile of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“Ecstasy”) and Its Metabolites on Undifferentiated PC12 Cells: A Putative Structure−Toxicity Relationship. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2006-10-01, 19 (10): 1294–1304 [2022-03-05]. ISSN 0893-228X. PMID 17040098. doi:10.1021/tx060123i. (原始内容存档于2022-03-05) (英语). 
  26. ^ Baxter, Ellen W.; Reitz, Allen B. Reductive Aminations of Carbonyl Compounds with Borohydride and Borane Reducing Agents. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (编). Organic Reactions. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002-01-09: 1–714 [2022-03-05]. ISBN 978-0-471-26418-7. doi:10.1002/0471264180.or059.01. (原始内容存档于2022-03-08) (英语). 
  27. ^ Gimeno, P.; Besacier, F.; Bottex, M.; Dujourdy, L.; Chaudron-Thozet, H. A study of impurities in intermediates and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) samples produced via reductive amination routes. Forensic Science International. 2005-12, 155 (2-3): 141–157 [2022-03-05]. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.11.013. (原始内容存档于2020-10-01) (英语). 
  28. ^ Nov 2005 DEA Microgram newsletter, p. 166页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Usdoj.gov (11 November 2005). Retrieved on 12 August 2013.
  29. ^ Baker, A.; Lee, N.K.; Jenner, L. Models of intervention and care for psychostimulant users, 2nd Edition, National Drug Strategy Monograph Series No. 51. Canberra. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. 2004. 
  30. ^ MDMA (Ecstasy). Mechanism of Action & Metabolism. [2020-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-22). 


  1. ^ The FDA's "breakthrough therapy" designation is not intended to imply that a drug is actually a "breakthrough" or that there is high-quality evidence of treatment efficacy for a particular condition;[18][19] rather, it allows the FDA to grant priority review to drug candidates if preliminary clinical trials indicate that the therapy may offer substantial treatment advantages over existing options for patients with serious or life-threatening diseases.[19][20]





