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Gordon Myers Amateur Achievement Award

戈登·邁爾斯業餘成就獎(Gordon Myers Amateur Achievement Award)2018 年之前稱為太平洋天文學會業餘成就獎(Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific)是太平洋天文學會管理的九個年度天文獎項之一。它旨在表彰「那些未以專業身份受僱於天文學領域的人士對天文學業餘天文學做出的重大貢獻」[1]。這些貢獻可以是在觀測天文學領域,也可以來自天文技術領域[2]。該獎項自1979年起頒發給來自不同國家的業餘天文學家,已成為地域分布最廣泛的天文學獎項之一[3]




該獎項的獲獎者有: [5]

An elderly man with descending hair talking behind a speaker's desk with a microphone. There is a picture of an explosion on the surface of a planet in the background.
A neutrally looking elderly man with gray hair and a horse tail. He has a tattoo on the left upper arm, as well as a bracelet and a ring.
Half-length portrait of a man with descending brown hair. He is standing, looking into the camera and smiling. He is wearing a blue sweatshirt. A part of an astronomical telescope is visible in the background.
年度 姓名 國籍 獲獎領域 來源
1979 詹姆斯·麥克馬洪英語James McMahon (astronomer) 美國 掩星 [3]
1980 弗蘭克·貝特森英語Frank Bateson 紐西蘭 變星 [6]
1981 喬治·阿爾科克 英國 新星/慧星 [7]
1982 本·邁耶英語Ben Mayer 美國 投影閃爍比對 [8][9]
1983 傑伊·U·岡特英語Jay U. Gunter 美國 小行星 [10][11]
1984 羅素·梅爾·吉奈特英語Russell Merle Genet 美國 光電測光 [12]
1985 格雷格·湯普森英語Gregg Thompson (astronomer) & 羅伯特·埃文斯 澳大利亞 超新星 [13][14]
1986 讓·梅烏斯 比利時 計算天文學 [15][16]
1987 柯林頓·B·福特英語Clinton B. Ford 美國 變星 [17]
1988 傑克·B·牛頓英語Jack B. Newton 加拿大 天文攝影 [18]
1989 保羅·貝茲英語Paul Baize 法國 雙星 [19]
1990 奧斯卡·蒙尼格英語Oscar Monnig 美國 隕石 [20]
1991 Otto Kippes英語Otto Kippes 德國 小行星軌道 [21]
1992 理察·D·萊恩斯英語Richard D. Lines &
海倫·萊恩斯英語Helen Lines
美國 變星的光電測光 [22]
1993 大衛·李維 加拿大/美國 慧星 [23]
1994 沃爾特·H·哈斯英語Walter H. Haas 美國 ALPO英語Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers創始人 [4]
1995 唐納德·C·帕克英語Donald C. Parker 美國 行星成像 [4]
1996 米歇爾·丹尼爾·奧弗貝克英語Michiel Daniel Overbeek 南非 變星 [24]
1997 愛德華·A·哈爾巴赫英語Edward A. Halbach 美國 變星/掩星 [25]
1998 阿爾伯特·F·A·L·瓊斯英語Albert F. A. L. Jones 紐西蘭 變星/彗星 [26]
1999 沃倫·B·奧法特英語Warren B. Offutt 美國 海王星外天體 [27]
2000 保羅·博爾特伍德英語Paul Boltwood 加拿大 深空成像/百武二號彗星 [28]
2001 中野主一 日本 計算彗星軌道 [29]
2002 未有獲獎
2003 索尼婭·凱斯英語Sonia Keys 美國 近地天體 [30]
2004 尼克·希曼尼克英語Nik Szymanek 英國 成像和影像處理 [31]
2005 提摩西·杭特 美國 光污染 [32]
2006 卡米爾·霍諾克英語Kamil Hornoch 捷克 變星的目視以及CCD觀測/彗星 [33]
2007 彼得·弗朗西斯·威廉士英語Peter Francis Williams 澳大利亞 北冕座R星/變星監測 [34]
2008 史蒂夫·曼德爾英語Steve Mandel 美國 CCD成像 [35]
2009 托馬斯·德羅格英語Thomas Droege 美國 開發CCD儀器和全球巡天調查計劃 [36]
2010 艾倫·拉希爾英語Allan Rahill 加拿大 為規劃觀測活動,調整了加拿大氣象中心的預測產品,提供高度精確和高解析度的雲量、透明度、視寧度、黑暗度、風速、溫度和濕度的點位預測,覆蓋北美和中美洲 [37]
2011 凱文·阿普斯英語Kevin Apps 英國 推進太陽系外行星研究和恆星天體物理學領域 [38]
2012 傑弗里·L·霍普金斯英語Jeffrey L. Hopkins 美國 光電測光以及高解析度光譜 [39]
2013 未有獲獎
2014 羅德·斯塔賓斯英語Rod Stubbings 澳大利亞 在重新定義Z Cam型矮新星亞型方面發揮了重要作用,並在晨空中發現了復發新星V745 Sco的爆發,引發了美國變星觀測者協會(AAVSO)的警報通知,並引起了天文學界的廣泛關注 [40]
2015 未有獲獎
2016 未有獲獎
2017 高興 中國 超新星/慧星 [41]
2018 陳添冠英語Thiam-Guan Tan 澳大利亞 系外行星 [42]
2019 未評選
2022 保羅·D·馬利英語Paul D. Maley 美國 對天空現象的觀測 [43]
2023 丹·卡塞爾登英語Dan Caselden 美國 發展棕矮星科學和機器學習方法 [44]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Amateur Achievement Award of Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [August 5, 2007]. (原始內容存檔於July 13, 2007). 
  2. ^ 2008 ASP Award Recipients Press Release (新聞稿). Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 22, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於May 7, 2009). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Bracher, Katherine, 16. New People, New Awards, New Approaches (PDF), Centennial History of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PDF), Astronomical Society of the Pacific: 34, September–October 1989 [November 21, 2009] 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Past Amateur Achievement Winners. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於July 13, 2007). 
  5. ^ Past recipients. Astronomica Society of the Pacific. [25 October 2019]. (原始內容存檔於October 25, 2019). 
  6. ^ Kuhi, L.; A. Fraknoi. Frank Bateson received the Amateur Achievement Award. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 1980, 9: 162. Bibcode:1980Mercu...9..162K. 
  7. ^ Arp, H. C.; A. Fraknoi. George E. D. Alcock received the Amateur Achievement Award. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 1981, 10: 186–189. Bibcode:1981Mercu..10..186A. 
  8. ^ Arp, H. C.; A. Fraknoi. 1982 A.S.P. Amateur Achievement Award – Mayer, Ben. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 1982, 11: 156. Bibcode:1982Mercu..11..156A. 
  9. ^ Ben Mayer received the Amateur Achievement Award. Physics Today (American Institute of Physics). 1982, 35 (11): 83. Bibcode:1982PhT....35...83.. doi:10.1063/1.2914861. 
  10. ^ Morrison, D.; A. Fraknoi. Jay U. Gunter received the Amateur Achievement Award 1983 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 1983, 6 (6): 186. Bibcode:1983Mercu..12Q.186M. 
  11. ^ Jay Gunter received the Amateur Achievement Award 1983 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Physics Today (American Institute of Physics). 1984, 37 (3): 113. Bibcode:1984PhT....37c.113.. doi:10.1063/1.2916126. 
  12. ^ Arp, H. C.; A. Fraknoi. Russel M. Genet received the Amateur Achievement Award 1984 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). December 1984, 13 (6): 168. Bibcode:1984Mercu..13..168W. 
  13. ^ Hesser, J. E.; A. Fraknoi. Gregg Thompson and Robert Evans received the Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 1985, 14 (2): 44–45. Bibcode:1985Mercu..14S..44H. 
  14. ^ Gregg Thompson and Robert Evans received the Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Physics Today (American Institute of Physics). 1985, 38 (6): 90. Bibcode:1985PhT....38T..90.. doi:10.1063/1.2814606. 
  15. ^ Wolff, S.; A. Fraknoi. Jean Meeus received the Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). June 1986, 15 (5): 142–143. Bibcode:1986Mercu..15R.142W. 
  16. ^ Jean Meeus Wins Award (PDF). National Newsletter (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada). August 1986, 80 (4): L53 [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於July 28, 2011). 
  17. ^ Hesser, J. E.; A. Fraknoi. Clinton B. Ford received the Amateur Achievement Award 1987 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). September 1987, 16 (5): 148. Bibcode:1987Mercu..16..148H. 
  18. ^ Hesser, J. E.; A. Fraknoi. Jack Newton received the Amateur Achievement Award 1988 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 1988, 27 (6): 189–190. Bibcode:1988Mercu..17R.189H. 
  19. ^ Morrison, N. D. Paul Baize received the Amateur Achievement Award 1989 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). December 1989, 18 (3): 206. Bibcode:1989Mercu..18..203M. 
  20. ^ Morrison, N. D.; A. Fraknoi. Oscar Monnig received the Amateur Achievement Award 1990 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). December 1990, 19 (6): 186–187. Bibcode:1990Mercu..19..186M. 
  21. ^ Morrison, N. D. Otto Kippes received the Amateur Achievement Award 1991 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). December 1991, 20 (6): 188–189. Bibcode:1991Mercu..20..188M. 
  22. ^ Genet, R. Richard and Helen Lines received the Amateur Achievement Award 1992 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). December 1992, 21 (6): 199–200. Bibcode:1992Mercu..21..199G. 
  23. ^ Ferris, T. David Levy received the Amateur Achievement Award 1993 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). August 1993, 22 (4): 125–126. Bibcode:1993Mercu..22..125F. 
  24. ^ ASP Amateur Achievement Award to Danie Overbeek. Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (Astronomical Society of Southern Africa). 1997, 56: 2. Bibcode:1997MNSSA..56....2.. 
  25. ^ Mattei, J. A. Edward A. Halbach received the Amateur Achievement Award 1997 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). June 1997, 26 (3): 6. Bibcode:1997Mercu..26c...6M. 
  26. ^ Awards Received (PDF). AAVSO Newsletter (The American Association of Variable Star Observers). December 1998, (21): 2 [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於October 25, 2006). 
  27. ^ Mattei, J. A. Warren Offutt received the Amateur Achievement Award 1999 of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mercury (Astronomical Society of the Pacific). June 1999, 28 (3): 5. Bibcode:1999Mercu..28c...5M. 
  28. ^ 2000 ASP Annual Award Winners. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於May 29, 2012). 
  29. ^ 2001 ASP Award Winners Press Release. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於November 7, 2009). 
  30. ^ 2003 ASP Award Winners Press Release. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2010). 
  31. ^ 2004 ASP Award Recipients Press Release. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於November 9, 2009). 
  32. ^ 2005 ASP Annual Award Winners – Amateur Achievement Award – Tim Hunter. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2010). 
  33. ^ 2006 ASP Annual Award Winners – Amateur Achievement Award – Kamil Hornoch. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於February 7, 2012). 
  34. ^ 2007 ASP Annual Award Winners – Amateur Achievement Award – Peter Francis Williams. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2010). 
  35. ^ 2008 ASP Annual Award Winners – Amateur Achievement Award – Stevel Mandel. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2010). 
  36. ^ 2009 ASP Award Recipients Press Release. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [November 21, 2009]. (原始內容存檔於October 16, 2009). 
  37. ^ 2010 ASP Award Recipients Press Release. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [October 28, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2012). 
  38. ^ 2011 ASP Award Recipients Press Release. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [October 28, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2012). 
  39. ^ The Astronomical Society of the Pacific Announces 2012 Award Recipients in Astronomy Research and Education. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [October 28, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於November 27, 2012). 
  40. ^ Annual Awards. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [17 December 2014]. (原始內容存檔於December 26, 2014). 
  41. ^ The Astronomical Society of the Pacific Announces Its 2017 Award Recipients for Astronomy Research and Education. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [6 October 2017]. (原始內容存檔於October 7, 2017). 
  42. ^ The Astronomical Society of the Pacific Announces Its 2018 Award Recipients for Astronomy Research and Education. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [26 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於January 28, 2019). 
  43. ^ Susanna Kohler. ASP Announces 2022 Award Recipients. 2022-09-01 (英語). 
  44. ^ NASA Citizen Scientist Wins Award from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific - NASA Science. science.nasa.gov. 2023-10-02 [2024-10-12] (美國英語). 

